What to know about COVID, RSV and flu vaccines this winter – PBS NewsHour

Katelyn Jetelina:

There's actually then a very dramatic effect, particularly around vaccine disparity, it's like you said the funding is gone, which means campaigns education, pop up, clinics, partnerships, incentives, those are all gone as well.

And there's additional layer of barriers to access due to cost or just availability. For example, some local health clinics, the vaccine costs more than they can afford or willing to risk financially. So for example, the gap between Latinax and white residents is more than twice what it was last year in COVID-19 vaccination coverage, same with African American black residents, same with residents of low income.

So unfortunately, we are seeing that the marketplace in our regular health care system, regular public health system, not during an emergency is really not fairly distributed to those who need it the most.

Here is the original post:

What to know about COVID, RSV and flu vaccines this winter - PBS NewsHour

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