We’ve been flooded with thousands of reader questions on coronavirus. We’re answering them. – USA TODAY

An epidemiologist answers the biggest questions she's getting about coronavirus. Wochit

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to shut down daily life across the globe, thousandsof our readers across the nation have asked us questions about COVID-19.

And we're answering them.

Forbasic facts about the virus what it is,how it spreads and where it's located you can get caught up by reading our in-depth explainer here.We've also debunked someviralcoronavirus myths.

But you're curious and continue to ask important questionsvia our newsletter, Coronavirus Watch. (Not a newsletter subscriber?Sign up for it here!)

So below, you can find answers to questions such as: Isit OK to be outside? How old are people who are dying in the U.S.? Is it safe to get carry-out food?

If you don't see an answer you're looking for, check outour first batch of answers, addressing things like:Can testing show if someone has had coronavirus and then recovered?Can someone get the coronavirus more than once?

What else would you like to know? Ask us by filling out the form you can find here.

Pamela from Wellsville, Pennsylvania

Acknowledging that older adults and persons with underlying health conditions are more susceptible to COVID-19, a growing number of stores are dedicating time or opening earlier for senior shoppers and other at-risk groups.

But Tania Elliott,clinical instructor of infectious diseases atNYU Langone, says she doesn't advise it. "That gives a false sense of security," she said. "By encouraging older people with chronic diseases to go out at a dedicated time, you're still exposing them to a bunch of other people, and if one person in that crowd is infected, then the virus will spread."

Elliott said she'd rather see storeslimiting the number of people who can enter during a given time period so that there are fewer people in the store. She also encourages healthy people to do the shopping.

Pam from Seven Lakes, North Carolina

The chances of transmission through your mail is very low, Elliott says. "Parts of the virus can fall on surfaces and survive on surfaces for up to 72 hours. But you have to have pretty good conditions for that to happen. So the likelihood would be very small, even with no precautions," she said.

Elliott advises people to put their mail down on a plastic plate instead of directly on a counter top or table, to use a letter opener, and to wash hands thoroughly after touching the mail.

Research on how long a virus may live on surfaces is evolving.The CDC has said there is likely very low risk of transmission of COVID-19 from products or packaging that are shipped over a period of days or weeks "because of poor survivability of these coronaviruses on surfaces."

But a recent studyfound that viable virus could be detected up to three hours later in the air, up to four hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard and up to two to three days on plastic and stainless steel.

Alfrom Topeka, Kansas

Officials suggest self-quarantining for two weeks if you've had exposure to somebody with the virus and might be infected. It's a way to monitor if symptoms develop and, at the same time, avoid any possible spread to others. Since the incubation period for the virus is up to 14 days, you're "cleared" for the virus after two weeks, Elliott said.

After that, you still need to practice social distancing.

Danny from Sundance, Wyoming

No, for several reasons,saysPeter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine.

While a protective antibody is generated in those who are infected, scientists are not yet sure whether thatimmunity will last for a short period of time, for years or for life. Some say the possibility of reinfection is very likely.

Moreover, a new federal health report says Americans of all ages have faced serious health complications amid the outbreak. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that among the roughly 12% of COVID-19 cases in the U.S. known to need hospitalizations, about 1 in 5 were among people ages 20 to 44.Anywhere from 14% to 21% of adults ages 20 to 44 with COVID-19 have been hospitalized, the CDC data estimates. Two to 4% of cases led to ICU admissions, and less than 1% were fatal.

Finally, it's important to avoid getting and spreading the virus. While the young may not be the most at risk, they're carrying the disease to those who are more vulnerable, such as older people and those with underlying conditions.Dr. Deborah Birx, a member of the White House coronavirus task force, on Wednesday urged "the millennial generation"to take special precautions. "You have the potential to spread it," she said.

Linda from Hendersonville, Tennessee

Vaccines against pneumonia, such as pneumococcal vaccine and Haemophilus influenzae type Bvaccine, do not provide protection against the new coronavirus, according to the World Health Organization.The vaccines simplyguard against those specific bacterial infections.

The COVID-19 viruscan, in fact, cause pneumonia, but the vaccines cannot prevent this pneumonia.

Patti from Carmel, Indiana

Yes, that's OK! Just be sure to maintain distance from other people.The Centers for Disease Control and Preventionrecommenda distance of about 6 feet.

Even in some California counties where residents are being asked to stay home and"shelter in place," it's still fine to gofor a run, hike or do other outdoor activities, as long as proper social distancing is observed, according to local health officials.

Just remember: The White House recommends thatyou should avoid social gatherings involving more than 10 people, as well as all non-essential travel, shopping trips and social visits.

Social distancing: Why it's so important to stopping the spread of coronavirus

Social distancing matters. Here is how to do it and how it can help curb the COVID-19 pandemic. USA TODAY

Dennis from Las Vegas

Yes, there are many projections, but scientists say theyall hinge on how people behave. That's why it's essential to social distance and do what you can to prevent spread.

A conservativeUSA TODAY analysis based on data from the American Hospital Association, U.S. Census, CDC and WHOestimates that 23.8 million Americans could contract COVID-19, leavingalmost six seriously ill patients for every existing hospital bed. Another analysisfinds thatAmericastrajectory of community spread is trending toward Italys, where circumstances are dire.

One researcher at theGlobal Center for Health Securityestimated last month that as many as 96 million Americans could be infected.The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Securityestimatedthat 38 million Americans will need medical care for COVID-19. The CDC's worst-case-scenario is that about 160 million to 210 million Americans will be infected by December. Under this forecast, 21 million people would need hospitalization and 200,000 to 1.7 million could die by the end of the year.

Outside the U.S., leaked British documents projected thata coronavirus outbreakcould rage untilspring 2021.German Chancellor Angela Merkel said 60% to 70% of her country's population could eventually become infected.

USA TODAY analysis: America's coronavirus 'curve' may be at its most dangerous point

Debby from Omena, Michigan

The CDC and WHO have not issued formal guidance on carry-out food.

While the CDC says that there is no evidence to supporttransmission associated with food, aperson may get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own face. The virus can, for example, survive on cardboard up to 24 hours, according to a recent study.

The issue of carry-out food also raises concerns about therisk couriers are facing by interacting with customers during their shifts. That's why some companiesare now offering"contactless" delivery options that help peoplemaintain social distancing by allowing couriers to ring the doorbell and leave the package outside.

Study finds: Coronavirus can live in the air for hours and on surfaces for days

It's vital to clean surfaces you touch every day amid the coronavirus outbreak. Here are mistakes to avoid. USA TODAY

Pam from Easton, Maryland

There's no specific data on this question yet, according to Gregory Poland, director of the Mayo Clinics Vaccine Research Group.

However, we do know that someone infected with the virus may begin showing symptoms anywhere between oneand 14 days after catching the virus,most commonly around five days, according to WHO.

"The peak viral shedding occurs during the first fivedays after the onset of symptoms.My guess is that within a few days of being exposed, these patients are beginning to shed virus," Poland said.

Carlos from Los Angeles

The most common symptoms are fever, tiredness and dry cough, according to WHO. Shortness of breath is also among the most common symptoms, according to the CDC.In most cases where symptoms present, those symptoms come together, Hotez said.

"Usually it presents with fever and cough,or fever, cough, and shortness of breath," he said."It might present with one of those symptoms first, but then it rapidly progresses to the others."

Some patients also have aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhea. Some people do not have symptoms at all.

ANew York neurosurgeonis warning people against looking out for fever as the first tell-tale symptom of the virus. Hissymptoms began with a little bit of congestion and only later progressed to afever, body aches and chills.

More on testing: Coronavirus test swabs aren't your standard Q-tips, and they're running out as testing ramps up

Catherine from Carson City, Nevada

In some cases, the virusultimately damages tiny air sacs in the lungs, restricting oxygen to the bloodstream and deprivingother major organs including the liver, kidney and brain of oxygen.

Severe cases of coronavirus: Some result in brain damage, inability to walk

In a small number of severe cases, that can develop into acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), which requires a patient be placed on a ventilator to supply oxygen. However, if too much of the lung is damaged and not enough oxygen is supplied to the rest of the body, respiratory failure could lead to organ failure and death.

Here's what that looks likeinside the body.

Becky from Bentonville, Arkansas

In the U.S., ages range from people in their 50s to 90s, according to state and local health departments.

At least two people as young as 53 have died after contracting the virus. One was a Orleans Parish,Louisiana, resident who had underlying medical conditions, according to state health officials. Another patient was a53-year-old woman in New York City who had diabetes and heart disease, the mayor said.

However, this range is not conclusive becausehealth officials have not released the specific ages of several other patients,and new deaths are being reported eachday.

Antonio fromPatchogue, New York

No, the presence of the coronavirus would not turn a flu test positive.However, it's possible to have both the coronavirus and the flu at the same time. In that case, the flu test would be positive.

The opposite is also true: Presence of the flu would not result in a positive coronavirus test.It's important to note that, even if someone tests negative for the coronavirus,they still may be infected with the coronavirus.

We answer the often searched question: "What are the symptoms of coronavirus versus the flu?" USA TODAY

Ted from Scottsdale, Arizona

No. While shortness of breath is among the most common symptoms of the virus, according to the CDC, that diagnosis does not necessarily involve holding a large breath for 10 seconds. Medically known as dyspnea, shortness of breathis often describedas "an intense tightening in the chest, air hunger, difficulty breathing, breathlessness or a feeling of suffocation," according to the Mayo Clinic.

If you think you may be sick, call your doctor and follow CDC guidance.

Debra from Dayton, Ohio

The longer a mask is usedand the more damp it becomes, the less effective it is, Poland said. "Butit is definitely better than the alternative of no mask!"

Contributing: Adrianna Rodriguez, Dalvin Brown, Marco della Cava,Jayme Fraser and Matt Wynn

Follow Grace Hauck on Twitter @grace_hauck


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We've been flooded with thousands of reader questions on coronavirus. We're answering them. - USA TODAY

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