Trump: Without Doing Covid-19 Coronavirus Testing We Would Have Very Few Cases, Here Is The Reaction – Forbes

US President Donald Trump speaks following a tour of medical supply distributor Owens and Minor Inc. ... [+] in Allentown, Pennsylvania on May 14, 2020. (Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)

In a speech on Thursday at Owens and Minor, a medical supply distributor located in Allentown, PA, President Donald Trump wondered whether testing for Covid-19 coronavirus is overrated. He then proceeded to say, And dont forget, we have more cases than anybody in the world. But why? Because we do more testing.

Next, he clarified: When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didnt do any testing, we would have very few cases.

Whoa, is that how it works? This changes everything. The sound that you are hearing may be that of minds blown around the country. Perhaps, its sort of like when you first heard that Santa Claus is not the one who delivered those presents to your living room. Although you knew that the chimney in your house led to the furnace, it took a little time for you to put two-and-two together.

Sure, there are those statistics that paint a grim picture of whats happening in the U.S. For example, as of today, over 85,000 people in the U.S. have already died from Covid-19, which is by far tops in the world. Its well above the next highest country tally, the 33,693 reported deaths that have occurred in the United Kingdom. Sure, many public health experts have pushed for much more widespread testing. Sure, there is really no other way besides testing to tell who actually has the virus and where it may be spreading. Sure not knowing this information can be like playing football without being able to see the field. But could testing actually be like sex on the beach or Englands mens football team: overrated?

Check out Trump explanation during his speech on this ABC News video:

More testing, more cases of Covid-19 coronavirus infections? Less testing, fewer cases? Well, thats a different way to look at things.

This revelation left various folks on social media wondering what else may be different and whether theyve been approaching many things in life the wrong way all this time. Certainly, ignoring some problems can make them go away. For example, if your friends keep telling you to bathe more, ignoring that nagging will likely make your friends go away. Problem solved.

But what about major health and public health problems? Is the opposite of the saying, "if you can see it, you can be it true? Maybe if you cant see it, you cant be it. Well, @DrRobDavidson got some answers after asking the following question:

Maybe @MarcSmithEsq is on to something. Could there be no obesity epidemic and instead, a scale epidemic? If so, those darn scales could be invading homes around the country and the world, leading to what can only be described as a large-scale problem.

If this were true, this could open up a "A Whole New World" for doctors. Physicians could then be saying ferget about it or just walk it off more often. Doctors, many of whom have been facing burn-out, could instead be left with a whole lot of free time:

Have you considered taking up golfing? Then theres the whole issue of contraception:

Thats not exactly what they teach in sex-ed class between the birds material and the bees material. However, @DebPearlstein pointed out that such an approach could be something that you already knew as a kid, you know before all that schooling stuff:

Imagine how much easier life could be if you didnt have know stuff or find out information. Ah, but along came some party-poopers, trying to burst everyones bubbles with all that silly fact-checking stuff:

There someone goes again, bringing up science. Sigh. Whatever happened to the saying, ignorance is bliss?

Well, heres the reality check. The U.S. has already tried the not-testing-enough strategy. How has this worked out for the U.S.? Not so great. Without enough testing, its been difficult to identify who exactly may be infected with the Covid-19 coronavirus or where the virus may be spreading. Without this info you cant really selectively shut down places or just try to contain the virus by identifying and isolating those who came into contact with an infected person. Without this info, the U.S. has had to rely on social distancing measures that were more drastic than those used in countries such as Taiwan and Singapore. This is not exactly winning.

Although Trump didnt say that he was being sarcastic in his speech, to be fair, you cant completely rule out that possibility. Recall what happened after he said on April 23 at a press conference, I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As Stephanie Sarkis described for Forbes, the very next day, when a reporter questioned Trump about that question, the President explained, I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen." Maybe members of the media dont quite understand this whole sarcasm thing.

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Trump: Without Doing Covid-19 Coronavirus Testing We Would Have Very Few Cases, Here Is The Reaction - Forbes

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