Texas announces additional COVID-19 vaccine hubs in Houston area – KHOU.com

Other locations designated as vaccine hubs in the Houston area include:

According to the state health departments website, you must be one of the following in order to qualify for a vaccine from one of the hub providers:

Texas will receive 333,650 first does of the COVID-19 vaccine next week, according to the state health department. Health officials have instructed the CDC to ship the doses to 260 providers across the state, including 79 hubs focused largely on community vaccination efforts and 181 additional providers.

This week, Texas became the first state to give 1 million does of the vaccine. The state health department said the vaccine has been given to residents in all of Texas 254 counties.

The DSHS is ordering about 500,000 doses intended to be the second dose for those who received their first round of the COVID-19 vaccine a few weeks ago.

For more information on coronavirus vaccines in Texas, click here.


Texas announces additional COVID-19 vaccine hubs in Houston area - KHOU.com

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