Second payment of ARPA Coronavirus relief funding distributed to more than 1800 communities – The Baldwin Bulletin

The Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR), in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Administration (DOA), and on behalf of the U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury), distributed the second tranche payment of American Rescue Plan Act State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (ARPA-SLFRF) to Wisconsin non-entitlement units (NEUs) of government last week.

A total of 1,824 Wisconsin NEUs are receiving a second payment of ARPA-SLFRF funding. The collaboration effort between DOA and DOR results in a distribution of over $205 million in relief funds to local governments in Wisconsin.

"I am extremely proud of the efforts of our staff to ensure every local unit of government was contacted and made fully aware of the funding available to them. As a result, 99.8% of Wisconsin's towns, villages and cities decided to accept and have now received this funding for their communities," said Department of Revenue Secretary Peter Barca. This is a remarkable achievement, and the Towns Association and League of Municipalities, who have been excellent partners with us, deserve enormous credit.

NEUs are typically Wisconsin towns, villages and cities with a population under 50,000. Through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, NEUs could apply for relief funding last year. The payments were to be distributed in two allocations; 50% was distributed in 2021, and the remaining portion was allocated today.

Local governments are authorized to use their relief funds to:

Support public health expenditures

Address negative economic impacts caused by the public health emergency

Replace lost public sector revenue

Provide premium pay for essential workers

Invest in water, sewer and broadband infrastructure

Note: Local governments can use up to $10 million (not more than their award amount) for government services

Allowable uses of the ARPA funds are listed in full on the Treasury's frequently asked questions page

DOR's ARPA State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds web page has more information and links to payment details

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Second payment of ARPA Coronavirus relief funding distributed to more than 1800 communities - The Baldwin Bulletin

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