Oswego County COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics Open for First, Second and Third Doses – oswegocounty.com

OSWEGO COUNTY - The Oswego County Health Department will hold its next COVID-19 vaccination clinic on Wednesday, Aug. 25 at the Nick Sterio Public Health Clinic, 70 Bunner St., Oswego. From 1 to 5:30 p.m., health staff will administer the Pfizer vaccine to those aged 12 and above. The Pfizer vaccine is a two-dose series, so those who come in for their first dose will be offered an appointment to come back for their second dose on Wednesday, Sept. 15.

Our COVID-19 vaccine clinics are open to anyone who is eligible for the vaccine, regardless of where they are in the series, said Oswego County Medical Director Dr. Christina Liepke. Patients can come in for their first, second or third dose.

She continued, Patients need to talk with their health care providers before they come to the clinic to find if they should receive a third dose because only certain people with underlying conditions need it. We encourage patients to bring a note from their provider stating that they are eligible for the third dose.

A third dose is different from a booster, she explained. Immuno-compromised patients who need a third dose should get it 28 days (or later) after their second dose. In contrast, a booster is given to all patients several months after they complete their vaccine series. The CDC and FDA are considering the possibility of recommending a booster for patients who have had the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine eight months after they received their second dose. Once the New York State Department of Health approves this, we will be offering booster vaccines as well.

Walk-ins are welcomed at the vaccination clinic, although appointments and online pre-registration are still appreciated to help reduce wait times and maintain efficient clinic operations. Go to https://health.oswegocounty.com/ and click on the link for Local Information About the COVID-19 Vaccination.

Attendees should bring identification to confirm their age and identity. Those with health insurance should bring their insurance cards. However, health insurance is not required and there is no out-of-pocket expense to get the vaccine. Those without health insurance can still get vaccinated at no cost.

To prepare for their appointment, people are advised to be well-hydrated before they come in and to continue to hydrate afterward. They should also eat beforehand and dress in comfortable layers of clothing that can be removed if they get over-heated.

For more information about COVID-19 vaccines, click on the Fact Sheet link for each one at https://covid19vaccine.health.ny.gov/.

Oswego County and Oswego County Opportunities, Inc. are partnering to offer free transportation to residents to go to COVID-19 test and vaccination sites. The service is available Monday through Saturday between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. Call 315-598-1514 to schedule a ride in advance.

For more information, go to the Oswego County Health Departments COVID-19 page at health.oswegocounty.com/covid-19 or call its COVID-19 Hotline at 315-349-3330. Phone lines are open from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

For information about emotional supports, visit the Oswego County Department of Social Services Division of Mental Hygiene at http://www.oswegocounty.com/mentalhygiene.

Under New York State Public Health Law, the Oswego County Health Department is the local public health authority regarding the COVID-19 pandemic response within the County of Oswego. The Oswego County Health Department works closely with New York State Department of Health regarding COVID-19 monitoring, response and reporting.

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Oswego County COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics Open for First, Second and Third Doses - oswegocounty.com

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