Opinion: To survive coronavirus and the climate crisis, humans must have empathy – The San Diego Union-Tribune

Newby is a retired research biologist of The Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla. He was the director of The Bronowski Art & Science Forum from 1999 to 2012. He lives in Del Mar.

Humanity is now faced with a new coronavirus variant, B.1.1.529, commonly called Omicron. The common ancestor for all the coronaviruses had a long co-evolution with bat and avian species stretching far back 55 million years or more. At some time, the coronavirus jumped from bats to humans. The first of five recognized worldwide pandemics was the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. The December 2019 COVID 19 outbreak was followed by the Delta variant and other less reported variants. There are now several variants of interest.

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Data suggest that the Omicron variant is spreading more quickly and may be more contagious than Delta. It is too early to determine the severity of an Omicron infection compared to the earlier versions of the COVID virus. It has been speculated that Omicron originated possibly in an immuno-compromised person, perhaps somewhere in Southern Africa. The evolution and spreading of these coronaviruses are aided by the lack of global vaccination efforts and disdain of vaccinations and masks by too many politicians and their followers. Additionally, there are many conspirators with alternative nonscientific theories and solutions.

The climate crisis is a threat to humanity with negative consequences far greater than these virus pandemics. Coverage of our warming planet has been extensively reported. New reports of climate research appear nearly daily. One of the latest is the Atlantification of the Arctic Ocean.

The larger salty, warmer Atlantic Ocean has begun flowing faster north toward and into the Arctic Ocean, a sea with sea ice on top, cool freshwater in the middle and warm, salty water at the bottom. This Atlantic invasion is causing a disruption between these layers and transforming Arctic waters into something closer to the Atlantic. As a consequence, the Arctic is warming faster than any other ocean. This is just one more indication that we are in the sixth mass extinction, the Anthropocene. Opposing taking action to slow our warming planet are the doubters, belittling not only the science but directing ridicule toward climate change advocates. Both the pandemic and global warming have become politicized and polarized.

How is humanity handling these threats? If our past behavior is an indication, the future for humanity is indeed gloomy. Why are humans such a muddled species, unable to rationally deal with these threats with compassion for all of humanity?

One approach for understanding our disorganized approach to these two impending disasters is to consider that humans were and remain a tribal species. Our species lineage has a 6-million-year evolutionary history. Likely you may have some familiarity with some of our ancestors: Homo hablis, H. naledi, H. egaster, H. erectus. H. antecessor, H. heidelbergensis, H. neanderthalensis and H. denisova. Of all these hominin species, only Homo sapiens, us, have survived. What happened to the several dozen other hominin species? We became the lone survivor because we had a well-developed brain to deal with predators, other competing hominin species and the environment. We formed cohesive tribes with compassion for tribal members, and we eliminated resource competitors, likely with ruthless precision. Our tribal skills and knowledge ensured our place in evolutionary history.

It is not surprising these genetic survival behavioral traits of our ancestors remain vibrant in modern humans. Some of these traits while beneficial for our early ancestors may hinder modern relations. Two of the many genetic survival behavior traits that ensured H. sapiens survival were selfishness and compassion.

The genetic aspect of selfishness involves vasopressin. Vasopressin is a hormone involved in altruism and pro-social behavior. The gene AVPR1A is involved in the vasopressin pathway. This gene has two versions, a long and short version, either one inherited from our parents. Individuals with the long version of AVPR1A tend to be more generous. Those with the short version of this gene are likely to be more selfish and greedy.

Humanitarians are compassionate. Oxytocin functions as a hormone and a neurotransmitter.

Normal levels of oxytocin are associated with romantic love, parent-child bonding, empathy and generosity, traits that one may expect in a humanitarian. Small genetic differences in the oxytocin pathway can influence the level of oxytocin produced. Low levels of oxytocin are associated with stress, depression, lower compassion and empathy. Variant levels of oxytocin plays a role in whether one is compassionate or one lack empathy.

Decisions we make are influenced by our own experiences and education as well as our inherited behavioral genome. To mitigate both pandemics and global warming, humans will need to exhibit less selfishness and greater compassion and empathy for all humanity.

Most all our genetic behavioral traits anger, aggression, hate, greed and selfishness and compassion can be modulated. Moral guidance, laws and the threat of punishment, as well as peer pressure, can affect ones behavior.

Being unvaccinated and avoiding masks in gatherings is a selfish act of defiance. The selfish act of not acknowledging or adopting green values ultimately impedes efforts to curb global warming. At this time in human history, unfortunately, there is little unity in our approach to solving the viral pandemic or global warming. Polarizing political rhetoric with some leaders having only self-interest and little compassion or empathy has accelerated humans into the sixth mass extinction, the Anthropocene.

Defiance of common sense and science will certainly lead to cataclysmic events. A worldview which embraces compassion for all of humanity is certainly our only solution.

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Opinion: To survive coronavirus and the climate crisis, humans must have empathy - The San Diego Union-Tribune

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