Once a COVID-19 vaccine is here it will likely take two doses – TwinCities.com-Pioneer Press

Minnesotans will likely need two separate doses of a coronavirus vaccine once one becomes available.

Minnesota is one of a handful of states working with the federal government to determine the best way to distribute vaccines against COVID-19 once they become available.

President Donald Trump has speculated a vaccine will be ready by the end of the year, but Minnesota health officials are being more cautious.

Kris Ehresmann, director of infectious disease and epidemiology for the state Department of Health, said past experiences with mass vaccinations have shown it is better to under promise and over deliver.

Prospective vaccines are already being produced by several manufacturers although they continue to be studied for safety and effectiveness. The U.S. government is funding that effort to help speed the availability of a vaccine once it is proven to work its nicknamed Project Warp Speed.

Minnesota health officials met online with leaders from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this week to provide input on who should be among the first to be vaccinated against the coronavirus that has killed 1,810 Minnesotans and sickened at least 73,240. Whenever a vaccine becomes available it will almost certainly be in short supply and high demand early on.

Erhesmann said state health officials recommended essential workers such as health care providers and long-term care staffers should be among the first to receive the vaccine.

Until a vaccine is released, state health officials continue to plead with residents to follow community mitigation measures in place to slow the spread of the coronavirus. They include wearing a mask, maintaining a social distance of six feet, staying home when you are sick and diligent hand washing.

COVID-19 has sickened more than 24.5 million worldwide and killed at least 830,000. In the U.S. more than 178,000 have died and 5.8 million have tested positive.

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Once a COVID-19 vaccine is here it will likely take two doses - TwinCities.com-Pioneer Press

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