Ohio House passes bill that would prevent employers from requiring the COVID-19 vaccine – The Columbus Dispatch

A last-minute change approved in the Ohio House would prevent employers, both public and private, from requiring that employees be vaccinated if the shot hasn't received full U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval.

That would apply to all three COVID-19 vaccines, which received emergency use authorization. The change would also prevent employers from treating employees differently based on vaccination status.

The amendment was added to Senate Bill 111, whichallocates $422 million in federal COVID-19 stimulus funds to local governments, with a 57-38 vote split largely along party lines.

The change came afterHouse Bill 248, which included a number of provisions to prevent requiring vaccines, was presumed dead. The Ohio Chamber of Commerce and the Ohio Manufacturers Association came out against the bill.

More: Ohio business groups speak against GOP vaccination bill, say issue is employer 'freedom'

Ohio Senate President Matt Huffmanalso opposed that bill, saying that government should not impose mandates on private businesses.

That proposalgained international attention after an Ohio doctor shared conspiracy theories about vaccines magnetizing people. But the language added Thursday afternoon was closer to House Bill 350, introduced by Rep. Al Cutrona, R-Canfield, who also wanted to ban vaccine passports.

More: GOP-invited Ohio doctor Sherri Tenpenny falsely tells Ohio lawmakers COVID-19 shots 'magnetize' people, create 5G 'interfaces'

"The vaccine has been scientifically vetted and is currently saving lives," said Rep. Beth Liston, a Dublin Democrat and physician. "This amendment would be harmful to our health and our communities.

The Ohio House approved Senate Bill 111 in a 60-34 vote, sending the bill to the Ohio Senate to review the changes. If passed, DeWine could line-item veto the change.

DeWine has consistently said he opposes legislation that discourages vaccination or prevents businesses from keeping their employees safe.

Jessie Balmert is a reporter for the USA TODAY Network Ohio Bureau, which serves the Akron Beacon Journal, Cincinnati Enquirer, Columbus Dispatch and 18 other affiliated news organizations across Ohio.


Ohio House passes bill that would prevent employers from requiring the COVID-19 vaccine - The Columbus Dispatch

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