More than 10,000 total COVID-19 cases in Wisconsin, percent of positive tests increases – WMTV

MADISON, Wis. (WMTV) -- The percent of positive coronavirus tests on Sunday increased, bringing the total number of positive cases in the state to more than 10,000, according to state health officials.

Wisconsin Department of Health Services reported an additional 280 cases on Sunday, bringing the states total number of positive COVID-19 cases to 10,219.

Out of the 3,508 total tests, eight percent returned positive. Thats up from seven percent of returned cases reported on Saturday. More than 3200 tests returned negative, bringing the total to 105,163.

More than 1,800 patients are hospitalized.

DHS also reported on Sunday two additional deaths from the virus, bringing the total to 400.

There are currently 51 labs performing coronavirus testing with a total testing capacity of 13,797.

Health Care workers with COVID-19

DHS is reporting 1,251 cases, or 12-percent, of positive cases in the state are health care workers. They include: nurses, physicians, surgeons, physician assistants, health care support staff, emergency medical technicians and paramedics, dentists and other dental health workers, and pharmacists.

Group housing cases

Roughly six percent of COVID-19 cases in the state are at long-term care facilities, or 634 cases. Four percent or 362 cases are in group housing facilities. A majority of cases are not in a group housing facility.

Recovered cases

As of Saturday, 4,875 of the states COVID-19 cases have recovered. DHS defines the number of recoveries as those who have documentation of resolved symptoms or release from public health isolation. A recovery is also considered 30 days since symptoms began.

Badger Bounce Back gating criteria

According to the Badger Bounce Back Plan, two of the six gating criteria has been met to begin reopening the state.

So far, 95 percent of hospitals say they can treat all patients without crisis standards of care and 95 percent of hospitals say they can do testing for all symptomatic clinical staff treating patients at the hospital.

The following criteria has not been met:

County data

Number of cases and deaths per county, according to the DHS:

Adams : 4 / 1Brown: 1,897 / 18Columbia: 32 / 1Crawford: 17 / 0Dane: 472 / 22Dodge: 67 / 1Grant: 68 / 7Green: 33 / 0Green Lake: 8 / 0Iowa: 10 / 0Jefferson: 50 / 2Juneau: 21 / 1Lafayette: 13 / 0Marquette: 3 / 1Milwaukee: 3,952 / 225Richland: 13 / 2Rock: 354 / 13Sauk: 71 / 3Waukesha: 400 / 23

To see the latest data sets from DHS, CLICK HERE

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More than 10,000 total COVID-19 cases in Wisconsin, percent of positive tests increases - WMTV

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