Moderna burnishes its PhIII-ready Covid-19 vaccine with promising mouse data which suggest one dose might be enough after all – Endpoints News

You can count the R&D execs at AbbVie among the believers in Genmabs bispecific platform tech.

Moving beyond the Allergan buyout, AbbVie refocused on its cancer drug pipeline, shelling out $750 million in cash and promising up to $3.15 billion more in milestones 60% for development and regulatory goals to ally itself on a slate of 7 development and discovery programs.

At the front of the queue is the early-stage drug epcoritamab, a CD3xCD20 bispecific from its DuoBody collection. Theres also DuoHexaBody-CD37 and DuoBody-CD3x5T4. And then AbbVie gets to pick and choose from among the discovery work at Genmab for 4 more, with AbbVie adding in its own contributions in the pairing up to come.

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Moderna burnishes its PhIII-ready Covid-19 vaccine with promising mouse data which suggest one dose might be enough after all - Endpoints News

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