Michael Flynn Wonders Out Loud Whether There’s COVID-19 Vaccine in His Salad Dressing – The Daily Beast

Michael Flynnthe man Donald Trump once selected as the standout candidate to become his National Security Adviserhas shared his apparently genuine concern that there might be COVID-19 vaccine in his salad dressing. Since he was pardoned by Trump for lying to the FBI last November, Flynn has gone full QAnon and went as far as to call for a military coup earlier this year. But his descent into quackery went further this week when he fell for an absolutely ridiculous conspiracy theory about vinaigrette. Somebody sent me a thing this morning where theyre talking about putting the vaccine into salad dressing, or salads, said the ex-Trump official. Im thinking to myself, this is the Bizarro World, right?Snopes appears to have found the source of Flynns concerns, reporting that there is research being done to see if mRNA vaccines could be grown in edible plants like lettuce in the future, but no one has yet proposed putting the COVID-19 vaccine into Flynns or anyone elses salad.

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Michael Flynn Wonders Out Loud Whether There's COVID-19 Vaccine in His Salad Dressing - The Daily Beast

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