Martinsville-region COVID-19/coronavirus daily update from state, nation and world: Aug. 1 – Martinsville Bulletin

Another resident of Henry County is dead of COVID-19. The sixth death came as cases in the county spiked past 500, with 25 new ones in Saturday morning's information release by the Virginia Department of Health. There also was one new hospitalization. West Piedmont Health District has not released new information about the death. There are also four new hospitalizations in Patrick County, where the outbreak occurred at the adult care facility. Meanwhile, the most important virus news of the day came out of Washington, where Republicans, Democrats and the White House made their points about a new stimulus bill that is stalled in the Senate. Dr. Fauci and other experts testified before a House committee and were caught in the political crossfire of questioning. They reinforced the best practices to help end this pandemic. Cases in the U.S. surpassed 4.5 million. In Virginia, there now are more than 90,000.The Virginia Department of Health reportsthis morning reported there have been 90,801 cases and 2,215 deaths statewide. Some 7,910 people have been hospitalized. Henry County has had 502 cases, with 56 hospitalizations and 6 deaths. Martinsville has had 168 cases, with 24 hospitalizations and 3 deaths. Patrick County has had 111 cases including 22 hospitalizations and 3 deaths. Franklin County has had 156 cases, 8 hospitalizations and 1 death. Danville has reported 314 cases, and Pittsylvania County has had 329.Johns Hopkins University's real-time mapshowed 17,614,426 cases worldwide and 679,987 deaths. In the U.S. there are 4,563,445. There have been153,320 deaths in the U.S.

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Martinsville-region COVID-19/coronavirus daily update from state, nation and world: Aug. 1 - Martinsville Bulletin

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