Mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations backed by AHCA for healthcare personnel – KNWA

ARKANSAS (KNWA/KFTA) The American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL) endorsed mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for healthcare workers on Thursday, July 29, 2021.

AHCA/NCAL has issued a policy statement regarding COVID-19 vaccinations of long term care personnel, including support and guidance for providers that adopt mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policies for health care personnel.

Press release:

The organization represents more than 14,000 long-term care and nursing homes nationally.

One reason for the endorsement is the Delta variant of COVID-19 and those who are unvaccinated. Unvaccinated individuals remain at high risk and can spread the virus to others, including vaccinated individuals, according to an AHCA/NCAL statement. Our residents are some of the most vulnerable individuals to the consequences of contracting COVID-19.

AHCA/NCAL encourages long term care providers who are implementing mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policies to:

On Monday, July 26, LeadingAge released a statement joining healthcare organizations in requiring vaccines for all staff in long-term care and other healthcare settings.

LeadingAge represents 5,000 nonprofit organizations in the United States.

Other organizations joining the call include the American Hospital Association (July 21) and The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine (AMDA).

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Mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations backed by AHCA for healthcare personnel - KNWA

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