BackgroundDefinitions and Concepts
Behavior can be described as challenging when it exhibits a recurrent pattern or interferes with or is at risk of interfering with optimal learning or engagement in prosocial interactions with peers and adults.1 Emotional dysregulation and challenging behaviors may adversely impact interpersonal competences and academic performance, leaving the child with enduring effects.2 However, cultural sensitivity led to variations in distinguishing what is deemed inappropriate behavior considering the different norms and beliefs.3,4
Behavioral problems have been grouped into two broad spectrums: internalizing and externalizing.5,6 Internalizing behaviors are expressed inward and often go undetected, such as difficulty concentrating, being anxious, persistent avoidance of activities, social withdrawal, crying or hiding.6,7 Externalizing behaviors are expressed toward the outer environment such as hitting, spitting, property destruction, fleeing and yelling.6,7
However, it is not uncommon for children and adolescents to exhibit co-occurring disorders of both types.8 For instance, food insecurity, homelessness, exposure to violence, abuse or neglect may lead to both internalizing (eg, being secretive, self-conscious, experiencing aches and pain, anxious, fearful) and externalizing challenging behaviors (eg, exaggerated startle responses, aggression, bullying or fighting).69
COVID-19 and the imposed restrictive measures have affected to a large-scale the psychological wellbeing of children and adolescents.10 Disruption of daily routines and shifting into remote learning have resulted in an increased frequency or severity of challenging behaviors, representing a particular source of stress to parents/families.11 A study conducted during the early stages of the pandemic in the Philippines indicated that having a higher number of children in the family was positively associated with a higher level of psychological distress.12 Furthermore, Ren et al13 in their study evaluated the psychological impact of COVID-19 following school reopening and found that 32.4% of students showed symptoms of depression, while 15.5% exhibited anxiety symptoms. The study also revealed that those at higher grades and fears of being infected were at greater risk of adverse psychological outcomes.13
Comparative results were obtained even at later stages of the pandemic. Among 1771 adolescents in China, depression and anxiety were estimated to be 30.8% and 28.3%, respectively. Sleep quality, resilience, social/school status, perceived social support, and adaptive coping strategies were amongst the protective factors, while maladaptive coping strategies were a risk factor.14
Challenging behaviors are relatively prevalent, even prior to the emergence of COVID-19. A study in Boulder County, USA, indicated that yells and screams (73%), hurting oneself/others (69.5%), and getting irritable/frustrated easily (66.1%) were amongst the most common challenging behaviors reported by parents.15 In New Zealand, a parental survey of 10,457 children aged 3 to 14 years revealed that 8% of children had substantial social, emotional, or behavioral issues, while 7% had a borderline score.16
Several interrelated factors have been shown to influence childrens behavior, including developmental, environmental, and socio-cultural aspects.17 The prevalence of challenging behaviors in young children was estimated to be about 10% and may reach as high as 25% for those coming from low-income families.17,18
Preschoolers are three times more likely to be expelled from a childcare program due to active behavioral problems, as compared to grades K12.19 Aggressive and antisocial behaviors may persist beyond the age of three in about 3 to 15% of preschool-age children.20 Approximately, half of these children are embarking on a path that will inevitably lead to delinquency and criminal acts in adolescence and adulthood.21
While some children may outgrow this kind of behavior by the time of school entry, others demonstrate persistent and even intensifying patterns, leading to academic failure and social maladjustment.22 Fifty percent or more of toddlers and preschoolers with disruptive disorders were found to exhibit challenging behaviors at least up to four years later.16
In a qualitative study conducted by Fox et al17 families reported that behavioral problems invariably impacted the family structure, routines, and activities. The conclusion of the study has given support to the system perspective, which considers children and family struggles to be the product of interconnected family situations rather than a single environmental element.23
Disruption of daily routines, home confinement, lack of coping strategies, and changes in sleeping and eating patterns over the period of the COVID-19 pandemic are likely associated with rising rates of mental health challenges, most markedly among children, adolescents, and their families.24 Evidence from several studies2530 indicated the importance of early management of behavioral problems in prevention of future risks and adverse outcomes. For example, mental health difficulties, physical health burden, relationship and parenting problems, substance abuse and sexual risk taking.2530 Hence, structured regulation strategies tackling emotional, behavioral, and psychological perspectives are pivotal to mitigate the adverse effects of the pandemic. Understanding the factors that influence behavior is useful for successfully implementing effective interventions.
Thus, the present review aims to synthesize the available literature on (i) the impact of COVID-19 on children and adolescents behaviors (ii) determinants of challenging behaviors in relation to environment and social-emotional development; and (iii) a family-centered strategic interventional framework for the management of such behaviors.
We reviewed the literature pertaining to determinants and intervention strategies aimed at managing challenging behaviors among children and adolescents. We conducted an electronic search for studies from July 2021 through September 2021, using the following electronic databases: PubMed, ScienceDirect, Medline, and Scopus. A combination of the following keywords was used to search for titles and abstracts: challenging behavior OR maladaptive behavior OR social-emotional OR internalizing OR externalizing OR children OR adolescents OR Pyramid Model OR COVID-19 OR Behavioral intervention OR positive behavioral support OR family-centered OR school. We then conducted hand searches using reference sections from retrieved articles. To maximize the potential of studies included no restriction to publication date or language was applied.
The inclusion criteria established for the selection of the articles were: (1) focusing on children and adolescents behavior up to 18 years old; (2) addressing developmental and socio-emotional determinants of challenging behavior; (3) discussing the impact of COVID-19 on children/adolescents behavior; (4) Provide assessment of challenging behavior using Positive Behavioral Support, and (5) manage in the context of families and/or schools. Articles were excluded from the review if they examined children with developmental or mental disabilities due to the likelihood of interference with the prevalence, severity, assessment, or management of challenging behaviors.
Two independent reviewers were involved in the database search, and any disagreement was resolved by discussion or by a third reviewer. Articles that met the selection criteria were retrieved for this review and the relevant contents of the articles were divided into five theoretical categories, including: (i) developmental milestones; (ii) the Pyramid Model; (iii) Positive Behavioral Support; (iv) management strategies for challenging behavior in the context of families and schools; and (v) the impact of COVID-19 on childrens or adolescents behavior.
It is critical to recognize the age-appropriate childhood developmental milestones (ie, motor, verbal, social, emotional, and cognitive skills) as markers for behavioral acts, particularly throughout the transition into more advanced milestones.31 Some challenging behaviors are developmentally appropriate for youngsters as they gain new abilities and progress through life stages.32 For example, the peak of physical aggression between the ages of 17 and 42 months is considered typical in this developmental period.33
Transitions such as separation from parents, attempting to be more independent, or frustration due to a lack of abilities may stimulate emotional distress.34 Nevertheless, it is important to acknowledge that every behavior serves a function or purpose. For example, communication difficulties such as delayed language or speech or poor social competence may trigger challenging behavior as a way of communicating with their environment, especially during anxious or stressful situations.35
The Pyramid Model is an evidence-based, multi-tiered framework that supports young childrens social, emotional, and behavioral development in early years settings.36 It is conceptualized to provide three levels of intervention practice: universal promotion for all children, secondary preventions for those at risk of social emotional delays, and tertiary interventions for those with persisting behavioral problems37 (Figure 1).
Figure 1 The Pyramid Model.
Targeted social-emotional support: the focus of this level is to support social skills and emotional regulation, especially for at risk children who need more systematic and focused instructions.41 Children are assisted in expressing their emotions, improving problem solving skills, cooperative responding, peer interaction, and dealing with negative emotions such as anger.4143 For example, parents and teachers can lead activities through behavioral modeling and role-play with positive reinforcement strategies when a desired behavior is demonstrated.41
Individualized intensive intervention: children with persistent behavioral problems not responding to previous tiers are offered a rigorous, tailored intervention using PBS. Progress is continuously monitored in relation to specific pre-determined goals.44,45
PBS is a person-centered, evidence-based strategy to assist children with behavioral problems in a variety of settings.46 It deems challenging behavior as a product of multiple interactive variables of interpersonal relationships, physical environment, reactions of others and the way support is provided.47 Individual factors such as trauma, intellectual disability, general health, and mental health should all be considered.48,49
PBS is most effective when planned strategies are implemented in a consistent manner.50 Families and teachers are encouraged to work together to achieve the level of fidelity required to produce desirable outcomes.50,51 PBS consists of four main steps: FBA; developing a hypothesis about why the behavior is happening; undertaking a functional behavior analysis to test the hypothesis; and developing a BIP.51,52
FBA is a method used to identify the associations between physiological or environmental factors and behavioral problems.53 The goal is to detect variables related to the occurrence of a specific behavior and to determine the function or purpose of that behavior in relation to one of four categories:53 social attention, escape, tangible, ie, the desire for certain things, or sensory, ie, internally rewarding or assisting in coping with negative emotions such as boredom or anxiety.
Topography, incidence, and duration of behavioral problems are identified through interviews, observations, and analysis.54 Precedent events that occur prior to the problematic behaviors are outlined, as are the consequences that maintain the behavior.54 Successful implementation of PBS was shown to be effective in minimizing challenging behavior through enhancement of new target skills.5559
Behavior is assessed broadly in three stages: indirect, direct, and hypothesis testing.60 Indirect evaluation includes gathering information from existing databases through interviews with parents, teachers, or peers.60 The key is to establish a valid definition of the target behavior. For example, a defiant tantrum can be expressed by throwing materials off the desk, folding the arm and/or using inappropriate language. In the direct stage, extended analysis is carried out to identify frequency, duration, topography, and the environment in which the behavior occurs. In the final stage, hypothesis testing aims to translate the findings of previous steps into an A-B-C statement that addresses the causes of the problematic behavior, the consequences that reinforce a behavior, and the provision of replacement behaviors. Examples of ABC observation for challenging behavior are illustrated in (Table 1) and real-world scenario examples of ABC behavior are shown in (Table 2).
Table 1 Examples of ABC Observation for Challenging Behavior
Table 2 Real Scenario Examples of ABC Observation
BIP consists of multicomponent interventions that are aligned with patterns observed throughout the assessment.61 Given that behaviors can be context-dependent (eg, a child only hits when sibling takes away his toys) and multi-functional (eg, screaming occurs both to obtain parental attention and delay certain tasks), combined interventions are usually recommended.61
BIP include a clear explanation of the behavior, the relationship between cause and effect, interventions used and their outcomes, behavioral goals, a plan for supporting new behavior, a description of success, evaluation, and monitoring process.62,63
When an intervention strategy is selected, guidance might aim for either changing the antecedents and/or the consequences related to a behavior (ie, using antecedent and consequence strategies) or developing more socially appropriate and adaptive replacement skills.63 Focusing on behavioral triggers, antecedent interventions promote behavioral change through either eliminating or adding antecedents that ultimately reduce the likelihood of challenging behavior.64 Examples of ABC strategies by behavioral function are presented in (Table 3).
Table 3 Examples of ABC Strategies by Behavioral Function
In school settings, interventions may include environmental modifications such as allowing students to sit in a specific location in the class or providing a quiet, distraction-free environment. Working in small groups, changing tasks, oral tests, curriculum material adaptations and group/individual counselling, are further examples.59,65 Flowchart of FBA and BIP is illustrated in (Figure 2).
Figure 2 Flowchart of Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) and Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP).
Aside from educating a child on the appropriate methods of communication, the way parents/teachers react to a particular behavior remarkably contributes to the duration, frequency, or intensity of such behavior.58 A message should be conveyed to the child that challenging behavior will not be successful.
The verbal or physical redirection method is a simple but highly effective strategy for shifting a childs behavior into a more desirable one.66 For example, once Sarah appears ready to toss a toy when she is not getting attention, her mom can redirect her by saying, As soon as you put away the toys, we can read your favorite bedtime story.
Being primary caregivers, parents are considered the most valuable resources for the management of challenging behaviors.67 Interventions are more likely to have an impact when parental focus is shifted from consequences to reasons of misbehavior.33 Parental coaching aims to support parents in employing new skills when challenging behaviors occur. It is based on problem-solving skills gained through scaffolding, with an emphasis on three areas of support: cognitive, emotional, and autonomy.57
Family-centered methodology works on improving parents capacity to principally understand their childs social and emotional cues and consequently, promote self-regulatory behavior and emotional intelligence.68 Natural environments such as home and school are considered the ideal settings for interventions, allowing observation of multiple interrelated factors that can affect childrens behavior.69,70 Lucyshyn et al71 demonstrated the significance of interventional modeling and parental coaching through problem-solving discussions, behavioral rehearsal, self-monitoring, and evaluation.
The aim of the model is to foster family involvement in supporting their childs early development. Instead of addressing behavioral problems with either parents or children independently, strategies are viewed in terms of parent-child interactions.72 Roggman et al73 proposed that parents need to be actively supported in recognizing their own resources, strengths, and needs, focusing on their own children rather than a standardized curriculum. Helping parents discuss their ideas, actions in place, and feedback with the provision of problem-solving scenarios are crucial for successful outcomes.74
The way in which adults provide children assistance to obtain new skills as they grow through the stages of development is described as scaffolding.75 For instance, caregivers may breakdown a certain task into smaller, simple steps and provide elements of basic understanding that will help in the solution and actual demonstration of the task. To enhance the effectiveness of scaffolding and reduce the level of frustration caused by lack of skill, modelling, provision of hints or cues, and adapting materials may be used.75
Scaffolding has been identified as a high-quality parenting approach leading to favorable behavioral tendencies and self-regulation using childrens own abilities.76 Prior to the occurring of a challenging behavior, it is important for parents to teach their children problem solving skills instead of long speeches that the child may or may not comprehend.77 Three types of scaffolding have been identified, including cognitive, emotional, and autonomous.33
This type of support aims to empower children to understand and apply new strategies, review problem solving steps, and realize rational underlying decisions in the direction of self-guided learning.26 Through effective feedback, cognitive support helps children accept different viewpoints and create a balance between pride in their abilities and recognizing the importance of reliable guidance that promotes self-confidence.78
Scaffolding with emotional support implies the use of positive reinforcement, verbal, and nonverbal communication to enhance emotional regulation.33 Mothers who help their children develop emotional literacy and teach coping strategies through play, storytelling, role modelling, taking turn, and sharing, tend to have children who are engaged in more prosocial behavior, while aggressive behaviors are associated with those who are inattentive of their childs emotional triggers.79
Refers as the ability of parents to provide support for their children, while preserving their independency and decision-making skills.33 Autonomy-promoting questions give opportunities for children to reflect on their own mental processes.78 For example, asking the child How do you think we should handle this? or How do you feel? enables self-expression and improve ones sense of control. Therefore, instead of asking the child to say sorry, he/she can describe their feelings and how they believe it can be-improved. Autonomy support via stimulating parent-child interaction and minimizing judgment/control will improve problem-solving abilities, empathy, compassion, and prosocial behaviors.33
The unexpected disruption of the social fabric and norms has affected the behavioral and mental health of the public, including children.8090 The psychosocial wellbeing of children has been affected in several ways, as this unprecedented situation changed the way they typically grow, learn, play, behave, interact, and regulate emotions.
Schools closures, transition into remote learning, and the absence of face-to-face peer interactions have impacted important perspectives in childrens lives. Children, especially younger ones, were deprived of opportunities such as physical activity, playing and group activities, resulting in substantial disruption to critical developmental milestones.91
In China, Wang et al92 explored the psychosocial and behavioral problems of 11,072 children and adolescents in the early stages of reopening schools. Among psychosocial behaviors, parent-offspring conflict, prolonged homework time, increased sedentary behavior and screen time, sleep problems, and physical inactivity were most frequently identified. Higher internalizing and externalizing behaviors were noted, specifically, children aged 611 who returned to school showed more depression, compulsive behavior, and hyperactivity, while adolescents of age 1216 showed more aggressive behavior, compared to those who were home schooled.92,93
Previous studies have demonstrated that in addition to the increase in clinging, inattentive and irritability documented at the beginning of the epidemic, with its link to disrupted school and daily routine, poor dietary habits leading to obesity, and increased use of electronic devices, can further aggravate adverse effects on children and adolescents.9496
School reopening has brought a ray of hope around the world in terms of restoring the sense of structure and stimulation necessary for childrens psychosocial wellbeing.97,98 However, the readjustment period is expected to deal with several negative sequelae emerging from academic pressure, students relationships with teachers and peers, and difficulty adjusting to school routine.
Previous studies indicated that academic pressure driven by parents or teachers expectations, irrespective of age and sex, was amongst the most identified stressors in students.99,100
Children who were disproportionally affected including those with preexisting mental health concerns, developmental disorders, learning disabilities or any other challenges may experience greater adjustment issues and require individualized learning plan with additional support.101
This review had certain limitations, mainly attributed to the subjective nature of the narrative style literature. First, there is the possibility of misinterpretation of results and drawing conclusions (which is usually due to selection bias, subjective weighing of included studies, and unspecified data synthesis). To mitigate this limitation, we adopted several methods (ie, forming a search strategy, the process of selection and data synthesis) more characteristic of systematic reviews. Use of these methods helped to reduce selection bias by ensuring our source selection decisions were procedurally structured and precise.
The second limitation is the inclusion of a small number of studies that were conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic, creating a perception of theoretical rather than practical relevance. To overcome this limitation, we have enriched the introduction with additional post-pandemic (at early and later stage) study results to show the significance of the increasing trends and potential related mental health illness.
The results of the present review highlighted the considerable impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children/adolescents behaviors and their mental wellbeing. Identifying behaviors determinants in the context of developmental, environmental, and sociocultural remains the key step to mitigating the adverse effects such as social maladjustment, academic failure, and future risky acts. Scalable and family-based mental health interventions built on the Pyramid Model, FBA, and BIP will promote effective and sustainable outcomes.
The present review supports that enhancing parental capacity through training, coaching, and empowering them to identify their own resources and strengths will help construct positive parent-child interactions. Additional attention should be given to the children/adolescents who are more susceptible to mental health challenges through a collaborative approach involving parents, schools, healthcare providers, and mental health services.
Owing to the COVID-19 containment measures and the impediment to traditional face-to-face services, other innovative psychological supports, such as Internet Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, may be an effective alternative to reduce barriers to access mental health resources.
The empirical literature synthesis focuses on several key stakeholders (parents, schools, practitioners, community, policymakers, and researchers) who work with children or adolescents. The framework of Functional Behavioral Assessment and Behavioral Intervention Plan offers a strategic template that facilitates and supports a comprehensive array of evidence-based services components, from developmental surveillance, promotion, and prevention to intensive intervention, through an individualized plan tailored to the child and familys needs.
Professional development for practitioners, schools, and parents is important to ensure they have the adequate skills and knowledge to conduct behavioral assessments, identify determinants, socio-emotional competences, and implement effective interventions within natural environments accordingly. The current review provides an expanded understanding of the role of mental health support within the school environment, allowing for continuous monitoring and evaluation.
The results from this review have provided sufficient grounds for further longitudinal research to examine the impact of supportive environments, parental coaching, and interventions on childrens behaviors as well as the consequences of persistent challenging behavior in developing future mental health illnesses or risky acts. Another avenue for research would be to examine the adverse effects related to COVID-19 restrictive measures on the mental health of children, adolescents, and families.
Not applicable because of review type of the article. All data and material are available under references.
All authors approved the final version to be published and agree to be accountable for any part of the work.
Open Access funding provided by the Qatar National Library.
The authors declare that the manuscript was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
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- DHS: 34 people test positive for COVID-19 in Wisconsin - WBAY [Last Updated On: March 16th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 16th, 2020]
- COVID-19 by the numbers; plus key resources to help you stay informed - Berkeleyside [Last Updated On: March 16th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 16th, 2020]
- The Covid-19 puzzles that scientists are still trying to answer - The Guardian [Last Updated On: March 16th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 16th, 2020]
- What's the COVID-19 end game? - The San Diego Union-Tribune [Last Updated On: March 16th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 16th, 2020]
- The Covid-19 coronavirus is not the flu. Its worse. - [Last Updated On: March 16th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 16th, 2020]
- Phones Could Track the Spread of Covid-19. Is It a Good Idea? - WIRED [Last Updated On: March 16th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 16th, 2020]
- NIH Reports First Known Employee with COVID-19 Infection - National Institutes of Health [Last Updated On: March 16th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 16th, 2020]
- Newborn tests positive for COVID-19 in London - [Last Updated On: March 16th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 16th, 2020]
- Covid-19: Malaysia's pandemic action plan activated for the coronavirus - The Star Online [Last Updated On: March 16th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 16th, 2020]
- How Bad Will The COVID-19 Coronavirus Epidemic Get In The U.S.? Health Experts Weigh In - Forbes [Last Updated On: March 16th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 16th, 2020]
- Can People Who Recover from COVID-19 Become Reinfected? - [Last Updated On: March 16th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 16th, 2020]
- THE LATEST: 41 test positive for COVID-19 in the state - WFSB [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- Twelve new cases of COVID-19 announced in Illinois; bringing total to 105 - KWQC-TV6 [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- Eagle County outlines shift for COVID-19 testing, Vail Health shifts operations - Vail Daily News [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- 7th positive COVID-19 case announced in Hawaii, all cases related to travel - KHON2 [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- Canada tightens borders over coronavirus will it curb COVID-19s spread? - Global News [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- As health care workers prepare for COVID-19, medical students pitch in on the homefront - Minnesota Public Radio News [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- Coronavirus First positive case of COVID-19 confirmed in Geauga County Kaylyn Hlavaty 7:58 AM - News 5 Cleveland [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- 2nd presumptive case of COVID 19 reported in Bell County - KWTX [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- New confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Wisconsin - WKOW [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- Hawaii National Guard ready to step in against spread of COVID-19 - KHON2 [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- Alberta orders all classes cancelled, daycares closed as COVID-19 cases rise to 56 in the province - Global News [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- Has Italy Stopped Treating the Elderly in the COVID-19 Pandemic? - [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- Coronavirus testing: Information on COVID-19 tests according to state health departments - [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- Working from home because of COVID-19? Here are 10 ways to spend your time - Science Magazine [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- Two positive COVID-19 cases announced in Fairbanks, bringing Alaska's confirmed total to 3 - Anchorage Daily News [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- 8 more positive cases of COVID-19 brings Michigan total to 33 - FOX 2 Detroit [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- COVID-19: Who Is Infectious? - Forbes [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- The Guardian view on the latest Covid-19 steps: a recipe for isolation - The Guardian [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- Government publishes updated COVID-19 industry guidance - GOV.UK [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- NIH clinical trial of investigational vaccine for COVID-19 begins - National Institutes of Health [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- Expanding Colorado's COVID-19 Testing Capacity Proves Frustrating to Polis, Doctors And The Public - Colorado Public Radio [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- Microsoft Bing launches interactive COVID-19 map to provide pandemic news - The Verge [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- Coronavirus tips: How to slow the spread of COVID-19 with hand-washing, social distance - USA TODAY [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- See Which Countries are Flattening their COVID-19 Curve - Visual Capitalist [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- With launch of COVID-19 data hub, the White House issues a call to action for AI researchers - TechCrunch [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- COVID-19 - Cabinet for Health and Family Services [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) | [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- First COVID-19 case in Waterbury is confirmed - Waterbury Republican American [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- Covid-19 reveals the alarming truth that many children cant wash their hands at school - The Guardian [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- Statement on COVID-19 Panel Discussion Notes That Were Attributed to UCSF - UCSF News Services [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- Covid-19 coronavirus testing in the US has been absurdly sluggish. That puts us at risk. - [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- Regal is closing all theaters until further notice over COVID-19 fears - TechCrunch [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- Amazon limiting shipments to certain types of products due to COVID-19 pandemic - TechCrunch [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- Coralville company to produce millions of kits to test for COVID-19 - KCRG [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- Number of COVID-19 cases in Erie County rises to 11, new case confirmed in Wyoming County - - News 4 [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- Coronavirus tips and symptoms: What everyone should know about getting the new coronavirus - [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- Tech giants are getting creative to manage the COVID-19 crisis - The Verge [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- COVID-19: Mental health in the age of coronavirus - UN News [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- White House provides an update on COVID-19 testing in the U.S., says theres been a dramatic ramp - TechCrunch [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- Covid-19: How long does the coronavirus last on surfaces? - BBC News [Last Updated On: March 17th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2020]
- Hospital in Boston will be converted into Covid-19 treatment center - STAT [Last Updated On: March 18th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 18th, 2020]
- 78 cases of COVID-19 confirmed in Tennessee - [Last Updated On: March 18th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 18th, 2020]
- COVID 19: Tennessee confirmed cases reaches 52, Dept of Health releases age ranges of those infected - Clarksville Now [Last Updated On: March 18th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 18th, 2020]
- Housing associations under pressure to offer Covid-19 rent holidays - The Guardian [Last Updated On: March 18th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 18th, 2020]
- Sacramento woman dead from COVID-19 attended church with others who have virus - KCRA Sacramento [Last Updated On: March 18th, 2020] [Originally Added On: March 18th, 2020]