Letter to the editor: Shame on Vail Resorts for COVID-19 vaccine mandate – Summit Daily News

I have been a guest of Vail Resorts my entire life and a seasonal employee for the past two years, including working the 2019-20 season until the shutdown. I returned for the 2020-21 season with COVID-19 mitigations (masks, distancing, etc.) implemented. These types of mitigations were very different than the current Vail policy of jabbing a vaccine into my body.

COVID-19 has a 99% survival rate unless you are over the age of 65 per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. An estimated 46 million Americans have recovered from COVID-19, according to the World Health Organization. Risk assessment is multifaceted, including experiencing mountain activities. Vails mission and code of ethics states to create the experience of a lifetime for our employees, so they can, in turn, provide exceptional experiences for our guests.

Those who chose to receive the jab did on their own, likely after communication with a licensed physician. Those who have recovered from COVID-19 have their own immunity, which Vail policy doesnt accept!

Vail is not recognizing natural immunity or bodily autonomy as protected by the Constitution. I was hired for a third season, but my jab exemption was subsequently denied, so I am unable to work. Vail is unethical and unconstitutional by forcing medical choices without a medical license in exchange for employment. Vail policy has greatly impacted me and my fellow employees and goes against the companys own mission.

Consider the excited young child learning to love mountain activities but who is unable to dine on the mountain with his or her parents because of Vails vaccination policy. My own grandchildren planned to enjoy my timeshare while I worked but would be discriminated against dining on the mountain because of Vails unethical policy.

Shame on you, Vail Resorts.

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Letter to the editor: Shame on Vail Resorts for COVID-19 vaccine mandate - Summit Daily News

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