‘Jaws,’ the ultimate summer movie, meets the age of coronavirus – CNN

Even with theaters scheduled to reopen in July, this will surely be the quietest summer became synonymously with movie-going.

Social distancing will reduce the number of patrons per theater, and nobody knows how consumers will balance their enthusiasm to see these films against health concerns.

Some of that will depend on how different people assess risk. Based on early indications, some have clearly determined that the odds of contracting coronavirus -- and having a bad outcome from it -- aren't that bad.

Nevertheless, the odds of experiencing a shark attack are awfully low, which didn't keep a generation that saw "Jaws" in theaters from eyeing the ocean warily. Such fears aren't always rational, and speaking personally as a kid who had an active imagination, just jumping in a pool that summer felt like an act of courage.

If you're currently apprehensive about venturing out to a confined space with strangers for hours, to paraphrase the tagline from another Steven Spielberg movie, you are not alone.

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'Jaws,' the ultimate summer movie, meets the age of coronavirus - CNN

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