Is it coronavirus? Here are the symptoms to watch for –

As COVID-19 spreads rapidly through Michigans population, many people are keeping a close eye on potential symptoms of the virus.

The fact is, coronavirus manifests in different ways in different people. Even doctors say they typically need to run a lab test to diagnose whether someone has coronavirus or the flu.

Coronavirus symptoms can appear two to 14 days after exposure, and the average incubation period is about four to five days.

And recognize, coronavirus patients are most contagious 72 to 48 hours before they experience symptoms. That means you could easily be exposed to the virus even if you werent near someone while they were sick, and you can expose others before youre symptomatic.

Below are the symptoms to watch for.

While most coronavirus patients have a mild or moderate symptoms, emergency medical treatment is needed if the patient has any of these symptoms: Trouble breathing; persistent pain or pressure in the chest; become confused; are unable to stay awake, or have bluish lips or face.

People who think they might have coronavirus should call their doctor or schedule a virtual doctor appointment vs. going to a doctors office or urgent care where they could expose others.

Coronavirus is much more contagious than flu and has a higher mortality rate, which is why its important for people with symptoms to get tested so that they can identify others who might have been exposed.

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Is it coronavirus? Here are the symptoms to watch for -

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