Influenza vaccination |

The National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit created resources to assist in the planning and operation of vaccination clinics, including annual flu clinics, school-based clinics, and vaccination clinics. This document summarizes key points in running a successful clinic, and provides links to many other useful resources. Learn more: Tools to Assist Satellite, Temporary, and Off-Site Vaccination Clinics

CDC also has a clinic resource page entitledGuidance for Planning Vaccination Clinics Held at Satellite, Temporary, or Off-Site Locations, which outlines the logistics and considerations needed to plan a vaccination clinic.

Public providers interested in holding vaccination clinics may benefit from enrolling in theVaccine Reimbursement Program for Public Providers. Commonwealth Medicine, the health care consulting division of UMass Medical School, manages this program that reimburses public providers for vaccines and their administration by billing health plans.

Influenza vaccines may be given at the same time as other vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines. CDC's clinical guidance for the use of COVID-19 vaccines states that any vaccine may be given on the same day or any day before or after COVID-19 vaccination, at a different anatomic site. If administered at the same time, COVID-19 vaccines and influenza vaccines that might be more likely to cause a local reaction (aIIV4 or HD-IIV4) should be administered in separate limbs, if possible. Learn more: Coadministration of COVID-19 vaccines with other vaccines.

Always screen patients for contraindications and precautions before a vaccine is administered, even if the same vaccine was administered previously. A patients health status or the recommendations for contraindications and precautions may have changed since the last dose was given. Screening helps prevent adverse reactions, such as anaphylaxis. At each visit, use a standardized screening tool to assess patients consistently and correctly. Screening forms can be found at theImmunization Action Coalition website.

Clinic Vaccine Administration Record(DOC) is an important tool for vaccination clinics. It serves as a centralized location to keep track of required documentation for vaccinations, including brand and lot number of vaccine administered, dose, and route of administration.

TheWithdrawal of Permission Sample Form for Schoolscan be modified by districts/schools to fit their needs. It can be used for parents to withdraw previously given permission for a child to receive a vaccination at school.

MDPH has developedModel Standing Ordersfor influenza and other vaccine preventable diseases.

For guidance on how to properly store vaccines, please visit theVaccine Managementpage as well as theCDC Vaccine Storage and Handling Toolkit

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Influenza vaccination |

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