If the COVID-19 vaccination were available today, would you get it? – cleveland.com

Most of us are doing what we can to avoid catching and spreading the COVID-19 virus washing our hands, staying home, wearing face masks in public, spraying Lysol all over everything we come in contact with, washing our hands, washing our hands and washing our hands some more.

Heres hoping that a vaccine much like that yearly flu shot many of us acquiesce to is just around the corner. Progress is being made toward that end, and it would be nice to be able to stop hunkering down in our houses and get fully back out into the world.

But not everyone is willing to get that shot. According to a recent Gallup poll, 35 percent of Americans say they would not get a vaccine right now, even if it were free and FDA-approved. Of course, that leaves 65 percent who would jump at the chance.

Which camp are you in? Would you get a COVID-19 vaccination right now if you could?

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If the COVID-19 vaccination were available today, would you get it? - cleveland.com

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