Huron football player tests positive for COVID-19 –

HURON, S.D. (KELO) Huron School District Superintendent, Terry Nebelsick, announced in a Facebook post Friday, that a player from the Huron football team tested positive for COVID-19.

On Saturday, Nebelsick said the Huron football teams are cleared to resume practicing. In a tweet, Nebelsick said the Beadle County Covid Operations Task force reviewed the schools process and supported players returning to practice. He said Coach Spanton plans to resume football practice on Monday.

This has happened in several communities on teams in their schools, and we have learned from other schools how to prepare for when it happened here, Nebelsick said via Facebook. We are following the correct protocol to notify parents of players.

The Huron Superintendent will meet with the Operations Section of the Beadle County COVID-19 task force on Saturday morning to sure up their plan moving forward.

We have been preparing for this for months, and we know that it is a given that there will be COVID-19 cases that we must handle if we are going to try to get back to normal, the Facebook post said.

Huron isnt the only school to report COVID-19 cases this summer as Estelline/Hendricks reported two cases last week.

The Washington High School football team also reported a student on the football team that had a positive case.

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Huron football player tests positive for COVID-19 -

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