How the coronavirus is really the only issue that matters – CNN

That's the top percentage for any issue, and it follows months of polling from Gallup showing that Americans think the coronavirus is the most important problem facing the country. What's the point: President Donald Trump claimed that the media would stop noticing the coronavirus once the election was over. That simply hasn't been the case. While we have made strides on the development of a vaccine, the coronavirus situation is growing worse, as cases surge and the total death toll rises to more than 260,000 Americans.

The ongoing pandemic means that Biden will have a tough job ahead of him as he begins his presidency in less than two months. Biden's difficult task isn't just about the coronavirus cases, but about everything that is connected to it, including the economy and the mental health of Americans.

All of these statistics are terrible, and they may get considerably worse.

Furthermore, Biden will have to help ensure that Americans actually take the vaccine. While I have argued that the numbers are encouraging on that front, there's still work that needs to be done for people to trust the vaccine.

Indeed, the economy remains a top problem for Americans. In the Monmouth poll, nearly as many Americans said the economy was either first or second biggest issue facing Biden at 36% as said the coronavirus was the first or second most important issue at 42%.

No other issue when combining first and second gets above 20% for the biggest issue facing Biden.

Now, almost everybody agrees that a coronavirus pandemic relief package must be passed by Congress and signed into law by Biden to help the economy. Yet it's not as easy as it might seem.

No doubt the financial troubles and worries have played a role in the mental health of Americans.

Likewise, the emotional well-being of Americans has slid. In every week since March, more Americans have indicated that their emotional well-being has gotten than have said it has gotten better.

The potentially good news is that implementing plans to fight the coronavirus pandemic will help with all of these issues. And with a new administration and a vaccine coming to the forefront, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It'll take a lot of hard work to get there, though.

Originally posted here:

How the coronavirus is really the only issue that matters - CNN

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