How omicron’s mutations make it the most infectious coronavirus variant yet – ASBMB Today

Multiple teams around the world have recently proposed another thing that makes omicron special: The variant may not use the same entry route into cells that earlier versions of the virus use.

There are two major ways the coronavirus can enter cells. Both start with grabbing ACE2. In the direct route, a scissorslike protein called TMPRSS2 snips away part of the spike protein, revealing a portion that allows the virus to fuse with human cells and immediately dump its RNA inside to make new viruses. That is the way all previous versions of the SARS-CoV-2 have entered human cells.

But omicron may take a back door through a compartment inside the cell membrane called an endosome. There, a different scissorslike protein called cathepsin L cleaves the spike protein to allow the virus to dump its payload into the cell.

Omicron doesnt use the TMPRSS2 pathway efficiently and relies more on cathepsin L to get into cells, two groups of researchers independently reported February 1 in Nature. As a result, omicron doesnt fuse as well with cell membranes as delta does, those teams and other preliminary reports suggest.

That could seem like a handicap. But for omicron, it may be a good thing, Liu of Ohio State says. While the virus needs to fuse with cell membranes to get inside and replicate, too much fusibility may lead cells to merge with each other and die, he says. That would leave the virus with nowhere to copy itself.

Omicron may have struck the perfect balance between being fusible enough to enter cells, but not enough to kill its host, he says. This characteristic may also make omicron less likely to cause severe disease.

Once in the endosome, though, the viruses come up against a gang of protein guards called IFTIMs that block entry. But both delta and omicron have that problem licked: They breeze past those backdoor guards, researchers in the United Kingdom reported January 3 at

Still, some researchers are not convinced that omicron uses the endosome back door into cells. In mimics of human airways grown in lab dishes, omicron used the direct route, but may be using a different and still unknown set of scissors than TMPRSS2, Bart Haagmans, a virologist at Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and colleagues reported January 20 at

Haagmans team infected various types of cells with omicron, delta or earlier versions of the coronavirus. In the first couple of days of infection, omicron infected more cells than delta did, and replicated faster, giving omicron a competitive edge.

Omicron was able to infect cells that dont have an endosome back door but do have TMPRSS2. It infects these cells much less efficiently than earlier versions of virus do. In another experiment, a chemical that blocks cutting by TMPRSS2 and other similar scissors proteins stopped omicron from breaking into cells, suggesting that some sort of spike cutter is still needed. Together, those results indicate that omicron uses TMPRSS2 inefficiently and might use different scissors all together, the researchers conclude. Those unknown scissors arent on lung cells, as omicron has a hard time breaking into those cells in lab dishes, the team found. That work is still preliminary, Haagmans stresses, and it is difficult to predict from studies of cells grown in lab dishes how the virus will behave in humans.

Acharyas group sees another possibility: Omicron may not need scissors to trim it before it can enter cells. Some of omicrons mutations may expose the fusion peptide portion of the spike responsible for melding the virus with cells. Its possible that omicron could fuse directly with cells without being snipped, she speculates.

Omicron may use multiple routes for cell entry, depending on which type of cell it is infecting and what host proteins are available, Liu says. Its mixed. Its not one or the other, he says. Using different scissors or entry routes would allow omicron to break into potentially more types of cells than other versions of the virus could crack.

But the entry point may not matter as much as other of omicrons characteristics, Liu says. My take is that the major reason that this [version of the] virus spreads so fast is because it evades antibody protection.

As omicron took over globally, it quickly became obvious that the variant could slip past antibodies and patrolling immune cells. Unvaccinated people remained the most likely to get infected, with 3,230.1 of every 100,000 unvaccinated people developing a case of COVID-19 at the height of the omicron peak on January 8, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

But a startling 1,467.31 of every 100,000 fully vaccinated people also got breakthrough infections at that time. And fully vaccinated people who got a booster dose were still being infected at a rate of 1,053.6 for every 100,000 people on January 8. That far exceeds even slippery deltas peak rate of 699.12 of every 100,000 unvaccinated and 140.8 of every 100,000 fully vaccinated people on August 28.

A study of the Moderna vaccines effectiveness conducted at Kaiser Permanente Southern California in December found that two doses of the mRNA vaccine were about 80 percent effective at protecting against delta infection from 14 to 90 days after inoculation. That effectiveness slipped to 68.9 percent for people three to six months out from their second shot. A booster shot raised the effectiveness against delta infection back to nearly 94 percent, though it dipped to 86 percent after two months. Both two and three doses of the vaccine gave better than 99 percent protection against hospitalization from delta, researchers reported February 21 in Nature Medicine.

Contrast those figures with omicron. Two doses of Modernas vaccine were 44 percent effective at preventing omicron infection from 14 to 90 days after getting the shot, quickly dipping to 23.5 effectiveness in the three- to six-month period after getting jabbed. A booster shot brought the effectiveness against omicron infection up to 71.6 percent for about two months, after which it declined to 47.4 percent. Against hospitalization from omicron, two doses were 84.5 percent effective. A booster dose brought effectiveness against hospitalization back above 99 percent.

How did omicron manage to get past the highly effective vaccine? The variant swapped out or is missing some of the spots on the spike protein where antibodies latch on to other variants, multiple studies show. And new data that hasnt yet been vetted by peer-review may suggest other reasons omicron is so sneaky.

First, the variants spike protein has that closed-fist stance that protects its ACE2-grabbing bits from antibodies. It has also changed shape slightly to tuck away other spots where antibodies can bind, helping the protein escape from the immune system, Acharya and colleagues found. For instance, one popular hitching post for antibodies is called the N-terminal domain, but there are so many mutations that, omicron has completely destroyed the N-terminal domain for antibodies. Nothing binds there, she says.

Another evasion tactic: Omicron is especially good at spreading from cell to cell where the immune system cant catch it as easily as when it is outside of cells, Liu and colleagues reported December 20 at Despite not being good at fusing cells together, the variant is nearly 5 times better at cell-to-cell spread than an early version of the virus.

Plus, the same electric charge that helps omicrons receptor binding domain to hold ACE2 may repel antibodies, the New York University researchers found. The team tested a handful of monoclonal antibodies taken from people who had recovered from COVID-19 early in the pandemic. Just like the omicron spike protein, those antibodies all carried positive electrical charges, which may act like a force field keeping antibodies away from the spike protein.

A strategically placed sugar molecule stuck to the receptor binding domain may also obscure the spike protein from immune system attack, researchers at the University of WisconsinMadison reported February 10 at

About the only good news about omicron is that it is less likely than the delta variant to cause severe disease. It is definitely less virulent than delta, says William Hanage, an epidemiologist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston.

But there are challenges to pinpointing just how dangerous omicron may be, Hanage and Harvard colleague Roby Bhattacharyya discussed February 2 in the New England Journal of Medicine. Hospitals full of COVID-19 patients infected with omicron attest that the variant still has teeth and can cause severe illness or kill people. While vaccines and immunity from prior or breakthrough infections may blunt omicrons edge, its increased infectiousness and slipperiness may offset its reduced nastiness.

Even so, you would definitely rather have 750,000 daily cases of omicron than delta, because delta would be much worse, Hanage says. For instance, the risk of dying from omicron is about 60 percent lower than the risk of death from a delta infection, the United Kingdoms Health Security Agency reported February 11.

One reason for omicrons relative mildness may be that it doesnt replicate as well in lung cells as it does in the airways that feed the lungs, researchers in Hong Kong reported February 1 in Nature. That finding, initially reported in December, has also been confirmed with preliminary work from Haagmans and others.

Another omicron Achilles heel may be that it triggers interferon responses, the frontline of the immune systems antiviral defenses, a study published January 21 in Cell Research found.

Gan of New York University speculates that omicrons positive charge may cause the viral variant to get trapped in negatively charged mucus more easily than previous variants were.

Still, omicron can be dangerous in a number of ways, including landing vulnerable people in the hospital and sickening large numbers of hospital staff at the same time, Hanage says. It is definitely milder, but thats not a reason to chill.

Add to that the fact that a sibling version of omicron called BA.2, which has some different mutations from the original omicron, has now burst on the scene. BA.2 seems to be slightly more infectious than the original version. Though cases of omicron are falling overall, BA.2s proportion of those cases is growing, and some experts warn that it could prolong the omicron outbreak or lead to another wave of infections.

This story was originally published by Science News, a nonprofit independent news organization.

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How omicron's mutations make it the most infectious coronavirus variant yet - ASBMB Today

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