Getting the COVID vaccine in NH: Phase 2B begins – WMUR Manchester

The state's COVID-19 vaccination rollout opened for Granite Staters 50 years of age and older on Monday, though users encountered significant issues with the state's new "VINI" website. >> To register, visit <> See additional information about the registration process Through Sunday, about 24% of the states population had received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and about 12% are fully vaccinated. >> Step-by-step video: How to use 'VINI'** Town-by-town COVID-19 case data **--

The state's COVID-19 vaccination rollout opened for Granite Staters 50 years of age and older on Monday, though users encountered significant issues with the state's new "VINI" website.

>> To register, visit <<

Phase 2B began at 8 a.m., but many viewers initially told WMUR they could not get through to make appointments, with some reporting error screens. Others said they could not get through on 211 because the lines were busy.

Around 11 a.m., the VINI site displayed an updated message about the errors:

"The site may experience delays due to unprecedented volume. Registrations are still being processed, but potentially at a slower pace. If you are unable to immediately register, please try back again in 10 minutes. We are working diligently to address these issues and will provide updates as soon as they become available."

Some viewers are now reporting the website is working, although it is working slowly, as the message above indicates.

Gov. Chris Sununu released a statement about the website's issues:

"An unprecedented volume of web traffic was experienced this morning, a good sign that Granite Staters are ready and eager to receive their vaccine, which did cause some to experience delays. Registrations have been accepted and continue to be processed at an increasing pace, with over 35,000 having scheduled an appointment within the first three hours."

This group is the second to sign up for vaccines through the states new registration website. It was first launched last week for Phase 2A, which covered teachers and childcare professionals. There were no significant website issues with the rollout of Phase 2A.

For those who are able to register through the website, they will see a confirmation email and then they can choose their appointment time.

>> See additional information about the registration process

Through Sunday, about 24% of the states population had received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and about 12% are fully vaccinated.

>> Step-by-step video: How to use 'VINI'

** Town-by-town COVID-19 case data **


Read more:

Getting the COVID vaccine in NH: Phase 2B begins - WMUR Manchester

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