Early approval of a COVID-19 vaccine could cause ethical problems for other vax candidates, and ‘upcycling’ plastic bags – Science Magazine

Zeev Barkan/Flickr

First up, host Sarah Crespi talks with Staff Writer Jon Cohen about some tricky ethical questions that may arise after the first coronavirus vaccine is authorized for use in the United States. Will people continue to participate in clinical trials of other vaccines? Will it still be OK to give participants placebo vaccines?

Next, producer Meagan Cantwell talks with Bert Weckhuysen, a professor at Utrecht University, about a process for taking low-value plastic like polyethylene (often used for packaging and grocery bags) and upcycling it into biodegradable materials that can be used for new purposes.

This weeks episode was produced with help from Podigy.

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Read this article:

Early approval of a COVID-19 vaccine could cause ethical problems for other vax candidates, and 'upcycling' plastic bags - Science Magazine

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