MSDH is providing Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19vaccines in the County Health Department Clinics for children and adults 6moand older. Please read the instructions before making an appointment fora first shot, second shot, third or additional shot for people with weakenedimmune systems, and booster shots.

You can now make anappointment to receive the updated COVID-19 Bivalent booster shot to provide betterprotection and boost immunity. The updated booster shot includes protectionagain currently circulating COVID-19 variant strains Omicron BA.4 and BA.5.

If you have any questions or would like totalk with someone to help you make your appointment, call the MSDH COVID-19Hotline at877-978-6453.

Primary SeriesThere are 2 vaccines available at MSDHCounty Health Departments: Pfizer and Moderna.


Children and adults 6 months of age and olderare eligible to receive a primary series of Pfizer or Moderna at MSDH CountyHealth Departments

Pfizer: 2 shots given 3 weeks (21 days) apart(a third dose of Pfizer 8 weeks after the second dose is required to completethe primary series in children 6 months through 4 years of age)

Moderna: 2 shots given 4 weeks (28 days) apart

Both are safe, tested, and effective atreducing your risk of severe illness.Learn more about COVID-19 vaccines.

Additional ShotAnAdditional shot of Pfizer orModerna for People with Weakened Immune Systems (Primary Series)isavailable at MSDH County Health Departments.Eligibility:

Children 6 months and older and adults whohave a weakened immune system are eligible for an additional shot in theprimary series.

Booster ShotBooster shots ofPfizer or Moderna are available at MSDH County Health Department Clinics.


Anyone age 5 years and older is eligible for a COVID-19booster shot. If youve been fullyvaccinated with Pfizer, Moderna, Novavax, or Johnson and Johnson (Janssen) andits been the appropriate amount of time since your last shot, youre eligibleto get your COVID-19 booster.

Individuals 12 years and older are eligible for the updatedBooster shot if its been at least two months since completion of the primaryseries of COVID-19 vaccine or its been at least 2 months since the last boostershot.

If you received Johnson & JohnsonsJanssen, you can get a first booster shot with Pfizer or Moderna at least 2months after you completed your primary series with Johnson and Johnson

NOTE: You may mix and match your boostershot, which means get a booster dose with a vaccine that is different from theone you received during your primary series.Seebooster shot information for more information.

MSDH is not providing Johnson and Johnson(Janssen) vaccine shots at County Health Department Clinics. However, youcan still get a booster shot of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine if you got Johnsonand Johnson vaccine as your first shot. If you want to get Johnson andJohnson (Janssen) vaccine as your booster shot, please go to find a provider who is giving boostershots of Johnson and Johnson (Janssen).

Childrens Vaccine Children ages 6mo through 17 years areeligible for Pfizer or Moderna vaccine Seevaccine recommendations for children andteenagers.

Please remember to bring your COVID-19 vaccinecard to your appointment if you have received prior shots of COVID-19 vaccine.

If you have any questions or concerns aboutthe COVID-19 vaccine or need assistance in making an appointment, please callthe MSDH COVID-19 Hotline:877-978-6453

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