Covid Killed His Father. Then Came $1 Million in Medical Bills. – The New York Times

Shubham Chandra left a well-paying job at a New York City start-up partly to manage the hundreds of medical bills resulting from his fathers seven-month hospitalization. His father, a cardiologist, died from coronavirus last fall.

For months he has spent 10 to 20 hours a week working through the charges, using his mornings for reading through new bills, and his afternoons for calls to insurers and hospitals. His spreadsheet recently showed 97 bills rejected by insurance with a potential of over $400,000 the family could owe. Mr. Chandra tells providers that his father is no longer alive, but the bills continue to accumulate.

A large part of my life is thinking about these bills, he said. It can become an impediment to my day-to-day. Its hard to sleep when you have hundreds of thousands of dollars in outstanding debts.

Some coronavirus patients are postponing additional medical care for long-term side effects until they can resolve their existing debts. They are finding that long-haul coronavirus often requires visits to multiple specialists and many scans to resolve lingering symptoms, but they worry about piling up more debt.

Irena Schulz, 61, a retired biologist who lives in South Carolina, became ill with coronavirus last summer. She has multiple lingering side effects, including problems with her hearing and her kidneys. She recently received a $5,400 bill for hearing aids (to help with coronavirus-related hearing loss) that she had expected her health insurance to cover.

She has eschewed trips to the emergency room when feeling ill because she worries about the costs. Shes managing her kidney-related pain by herself, at home, until she feels she can afford to see a specialist.

I keep on with Tylenol and drinking a lot of water, and Ive noticed it does help if I drink a lot of pineapple juice, she said. If the pain gets past a certain threshold, Ill see a doctor. Were retired, were on a fixed income, and there are only so many things you can accumulate on the credit card.

Original post:

Covid Killed His Father. Then Came $1 Million in Medical Bills. - The New York Times

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