COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker: How many vaccines have been …

COVID-19 vaccines are being distributed across the U.S. and its territories. Threevaccines one made byPfizer-BioNTech, one from Modernaand another from Johnson & Johnson have been authorized for emergency use and are part of the widespread distribution process.The first shots were givenDec. 14.

On May 10,the Food and Drug Administration authorized the Pfizer vaccine for use in children aged 12 to 15. The Pfizer vaccine is the only vaccine currently authorized for children under age 18, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's expert vaccine committee said children can receive the shot alongside other routine vaccinations.

In early April, around the time most states expanded vaccine eligibility to include all adults, nearly two million people were receiving their first vaccine each day. If vaccinations had continued at this pace, nearlyall eligible Americans would be vaccinated by July.

However, in recent weeks the number of new people being vaccinated has fallen significantly despite ample vaccine supply. The federal government is taking steps to make receiving a COVID-19 vaccine more convenient and accessible, including expanding walk-in hours for vaccines at pharmacies, shipping new allocations of vaccine to rural health clinics, and distributing more vaccine to family doctors.

States prioritized at-risk populations to be vaccinated first,includingmedical staff, people in nursing homes or other long-term care facilities, essential workers, the elderlyand people with medical conditions that put them at greater risk of becoming seriously ill with COVID-19.

Any person age12 and older in the U.S. is now eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.

County-level data is mostaccurate instates that report county of residence to the CDC for a high percentageof people vaccinated. In states that reportthe county of residence at a lower rate,the vaccination ratefor counties may appear to be lower than it actually is.

For this reason, data is not shown for states that included a county of residence forless than 80% of people vaccinated there. Some states, such as Texas and Hawaii, do not report county-level information to the CDC.

More than 33million in the U.S.have tested positivefor COVID-19 since January 2020, and more than 600,000 have died from the virus. More than 170 million people have receivedat least one dose ofvaccine.

Some federalagencies manage their own distribution and vaccination processes outsidestate governments. The statistics from these agenciesareincluded in state data.

The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines require two doses, and the Johnson & Johnson vaccine requires only one for the recipient to be fully vaccinated. For the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, asecond shot should be administered about three or four weeks after the first, depending on which of the vaccines was given.

Read more: Comparing the COVID-19 vaccines

All adults in the U.S.areeligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, and children 12 years and older are able to receive the Pfizer vaccine.VisitVaccines.govto find out where vaccines are in stock near you and schedule an appointment.

You can alsotext your ZIP code to 438 829 to receive contact information for vaccine providers in your area.

Illustrated guide: What to expect before and after getting a COVID-19 vaccine

Populations used for U.S. state, District of Columbiaand Puerto Rico calculations are from the U.S. Census Bureau's 2019 state populationestimates. Populations used for other territoryand associated island state calculations are from the World Bank.

The share of distributed doses used in each state or territory is calculated by dividing the number of doses administered in that state or territory by the number of doses distributed to that state or territory. The percent of people vaccinated in each state, territory or county is calculated by dividing the number of residents of that state, territoryor county who have been vaccinated by the population of that state,territoryor county.

Because of reporting delays and other factors, the CDC data above may differ from that of states' and territories'own reports and dashboards. For more information, see the footnotes on the CDC's website.To see the CDC's log of changes andcorrections to the data, check thehistorical updates.

Contributing: Mitchell Thorson, Mike Stucka and Shawn Sullivan

Corrections & Clarifications: Because of a change in CDC reporting, from Jan. 15 to 16 this page displayed the number of total vaccine doses administered as a share of population, instead of the number of first doses administered. We have corrected the error.

From Feb. 22 to 25, a footnote incorrectly described the measure used to calculate the percent of people vaccinated in each state or territory. We have corrected the error.

Published11:57 pm UTC Jan. 14, 2021Updated6:33 pm UTC Jun. 15, 2021

See the original post here:

COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker: How many vaccines have been ...

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