COVID-19 Status Update – Health Order & Mask Mandate to be lifted, 80% of eligible population fully vaccinated, testing opportunities – City of…

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The County reported a case rate this week of 65.6 new daily cases per 100,000 (down from 130.3) the case rate among the unvaccinated individuals is 156 per 100,000 compared with 44 for vaccinated residents. The county reported a test positivity rate of 11.8 percent (down from 17.1). See the countys updated Metrics and Trends pagefor the most up-to-date data.

In a press release issued this week, Sonoma County announced that they will align with the state to lift universal mask requirements for most indoor public settings beginning Wednesday, Feb. 16. Read the full press release.

Unvaccinated individuals over age 2 will continue to be required to wear masks in all indoor public settings. Businesses, venue operators, and hosts may determine their own paths forward to protect staff and patrons and may choose to require all patrons to wear masks.

Indoor masking is still required by the state for everyone, regardless of vaccination status, in public transportation; health care settings; congregate settings like correctional facilities and homeless shelters; long-term care facilities; and in K-12 schools and childcare settings.

As of this week, 80% percent of the Countys 5 and older population is now fully vaccinated, while 88% percent have received at least one dose. Vaccine appointments are now available for anyone 5 years or older who wantsoneat one of the many clinics, pharmacies or health centers in the County. Go find an appointment that works for you and find a list of local clinics on theSonoma Valley Health Partner Website.

46% of the Countys 5-11-year-olds have received at least one dose of Pfizers pediatric vaccine as of this week. Make an appointment on the States MyTurn websiteor attend one of the Sonoma Valley school site clinics below:

The county is expanding access to pediatric and adult COVID-19 vaccines and boosters through large weekend clinics at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds. Clinics will be on Saturday and Sunday the next two weekends from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Garrett Building. The clinics are open to everyone in the community but are particularly focused on children and those 12 years and older who still need their boosters.

Demand for testing is making it difficult to get tested at a site or to obtain at-home tests. The county is working to increase the availability of testing, both PCR and antigen and the state and federal governments hope to supply more free at-home tests soon. Find additional pop-up testing locations and make an appointment on the Countystesting pageor call the hotline at 707-565-4667. The hotline is available to help residents sort through their many testing options in Spanish and English.

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COVID-19 Status Update - Health Order & Mask Mandate to be lifted, 80% of eligible population fully vaccinated, testing opportunities - City of...

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