COVID-19 Response City of Goldsboro

The City of Goldsboro is taking proactive steps in light of the COVID-19 pandemic to reduce the spread of infection, avoid excessive strain on our health care system and potentially save lives. As such, the following precautions are in place.

City Facilities: City of Goldsboro government facilities are open to the public without the need for an appointment. Residents and visitors are still encouraged to conduct business with our departments through email, phone, mail, and website resources as much as possible to help maintain social distancing guidelines. Those who do visit our facilities are strongly encouraged to wear a mask while inside.

Paramount Theatre: The Paramount is open to the public by appointment and during public events. The theatre can accommodate public audiences of up to 150. A listing of all upcoming performances and current information is available at The Goldsboro Event Center is open to the public for events with up to 185 attendees. For more information, contact the Paramount at 919-583-8432 or the Event Center at 919-735-4075.

Parks and Recreation: All parks are open each day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. with certain restrictions in place. Playgrounds are open.

Find additional details and the most up-to-date information at

Police Department: Fingerprinting services will be provided on Wednesdays from 8-10 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. by appointment. The cost is $10, cash only, and picture ID is required. Applicants will be required to make an appointment, wash or sanitize hands upon entering the facility, and wear a face mask.To make an appointment, please call the Goldsboro Police Departments Community Police Services Division at 919-580-4245.

If you have any questions about fingerprinting or other community policing services contact the Community Police Services Division at 919-580-4238 or 919-580-4252.

Public Works: Some of the normal operating procedures have been modified. As a result, Solid Waste services may take longer or be delayed including Yard and Bulk Waste pickup. Residents should leave containers out an extra day if they are not serviced as scheduled.

Utility Bill Payments: Residents are encouraged to use the following payment options:

You will need your account number and the last four digits of the phone number attached to the account.

Please contact Customer Service at 919-580-4340 to confirm or update your account number or phone number if you experience any issues using these payment options.

There is NO additional charge to use these safe and secure payment convenience methods. You can make your payment anytime using the Online or Pay By Phone method.

Important Information for Utility Customers

Customers who are having difficulties paying their utility bills during this time should contact Customer Service at 919-580-4340.

Memo to Utility Customers

COVID-19 Vaccine

Wayne County COVID-19 Vaccine Information

Information for Business Owners

NC Department of Labor Industry Guidance

Local: Wayne County COVID-19 Information

State: NCDHHS COVID-19 Response in North Carolina

National: CDC Coronavirus Disease 2019


COVID-19 Response City of Goldsboro

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