COVID-19: Get Tested – Wisconsin Department of Health Services

Test for COVID-19 if you were exposed to COVID-19 or if you have COVID-19 symptoms.

While you wait for your COVID-19 test results, stay home and monitor your symptoms to protect yourself and others.

For more information about COVID-19 testing, visit: COVID-19 Testing: You Need to Know | CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

There are many ways test for COVID-19 in Wisconsin:

If your COVID-19 test is positive, it means the virus was detected and you have or recently had an infection. If you have symptoms, stay home and away from others (including people you live with who are not sick). Take steps to prevent spreading COVID-19. You can go back to your normal activities when, for at least 24 hours:

If your COVID-19 test is negative, it means the test did not detect the virus and you likely do not have COVID-19.

For more information about what your COVID-19 test result means, visit: COVID-19 Testing: What You Need to Know | CDC

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COVID-19: Get Tested - Wisconsin Department of Health Services

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