COVID-19 Daily Update 8-24-2020 – West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources

TheWest Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) reports as of 10:00 a.m., on August 24,2020, there have been 398,479 total confirmatorylaboratory results received for COVID-19, with 9,312 totalcases and 179 deaths.

DHHR has confirmed the death of a 59-yearold male from Lincoln County. We mourn the tragic loss of this West Virginianand send our deepest sympathies to the family, said Bill J. Crouch, DHHRCabinet Secretary.

CASESPER COUNTY: Barbour (33), Berkeley (767), Boone(128), Braxton (9), Brooke (85), Cabell (490), Calhoun (8), Clay (19),Doddridge (6), Fayette (187), Gilmer (18), Grant (133), Greenbrier (98),Hampshire (92), Hancock (118), Hardy (63), Harrison (256), Jackson (190),Jefferson (324), Kanawha (1,225), Lewis (32), Lincoln (115), Logan (439),Marion (208), Marshall (135), Mason (84), McDowell (66), Mercer (276), Mineral(131), Mingo (213), Monongalia (1,060), Monroe (65), Morgan (37), Nicholas(43), Ohio (288), Pendleton (48), Pleasants (14), Pocahontas (42), Preston(135), Putnam (247), Raleigh (325), Randolph (219), Ritchie (3), Roane (25),Summers (18), Taylor (101), Tucker (11), Tyler (15), Upshur (40), Wayne (227),Webster (7), Wetzel (45), Wirt (7), Wood (291), Wyoming (51).

Pleasenote that delays may be experienced with the reporting of information from thelocal health department to DHHR. As case surveillance continues at the localhealth department level, it may reveal that those tested in a certain countymay not be a resident of that county, or even the state as an individual inquestion may have crossed the state border to be tested.Such is the case of Greenbrierand Randolph counties in this report.

Pleasevisit the dashboard located at for more information.

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COVID-19 Daily Update 8-24-2020 - West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources

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