COVID-19 Daily Update 12-19-2020 – West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources

The West VirginiaDepartment of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) reports as of December 19, 2020, there have been 1,378,211total confirmatorylaboratory results received for COVID-19, with 71,215 total cases and 1,122deaths.

DHHR has confirmed the deaths of a 77-year old male from MarionCounty, an 82-year old male from Raleigh County, an 82-year old male MineralCounty, a 75-year old male from Marshall County, an 82-year old female fromGreenbrier County, a 75-year old male from Marshall County, a 90-year oldfemale from Jefferson County, a 69-year old female from Berkeley County, an 81-yearold male from Hancock County, a 65-year old female from Gilmer County, a 76-yearold male from Hancock County, a 90-year old male from Greenbrier County, a 70-yearold male from Hancock County, a 50-year old male from Marshall County, a 67-yearold male from Raleigh County, an 88-year old female from Hancock County, an 86-yearold female from Jefferson County, a 64-year old male from Wood County, a 74-yearold female from Cabell County, a 77-year old female from Kanawha County, a 72-yearold male from Morgan County, a 58-year old male from Hampshire County, a 101-yearold female from Monongalia County, an 87-year old female from Putnam County, an86-year old female from Cabell County, a 79-year old female from KanawhaCounty, a 68-year old male from Monongalia County, a 78-year old female fromKanawha County, a 93-year old male from Harrison County, a 70-year old malefrom Morgan County, an 81-year old male from Marshall County.

Thisis an incredibly difficult time for the families and friends of these WestVirginians, especially during the holiday season, said Bill J. Crouch, DHHRCabinet Secretary. We offer our sympathies to each and every person connectedto these individuals.

CASESPER COUNTY: Barbour (605), Berkeley (5,084),Boone (900), Braxton (210), Brooke (1,144), Cabell (4,390), Calhoun (114), Clay(223), Doddridge (200), Fayette (1,477), Gilmer (270), Grant (647), Greenbrier(1,087), Hampshire (780), Hancock (1,529), Hardy (614), Harrison (2,323),Jackson (982), Jefferson (2,020), Kanawha (7,611), Lewis (392), Lincoln (634),Logan (1,364), Marion (1,415), Marshall (1,767), Mason (886), McDowell (796),Mercer (2,114), Mineral (1,978), Mingo (1,207), Monongalia (4,596), Monroe(522), Morgan (525), Nicholas (546), Ohio (2,185), Pendleton (214), Pleasants(277), Pocahontas (314), Preston (1,259), Putnam (2,629), Raleigh (2,292),Randolph (983), Ritchie (282), Roane (254), Summers (354), Taylor (565), Tucker(267), Tyler (272), Upshur (699), Wayne (1,468), Webster (119), Wetzel (576),Wirt (173), Wood (4,076), Wyoming (1,005).

Please note that delaysmay be experienced with the reporting of information from the local healthdepartment to DHHR. As case surveillance continues at the local healthdepartment level, it may reveal that those tested in a certain county may notbe a resident of that county, or even the state as an individual in questionmay have crossed the state border to be tested. Such is the caseof Calhoun County in this report.

Please visit the dashboard located at for more information.

Free COVID-19 testing daily events scheduled fortoday:


9:00 AM 12:30 PM, 891 AutoParts Place, Martinsburg, WV


9:00 AM 3:00 PM, HampshireCounty Fair Grounds (at the dining hall), Fairground Drive, Augusta, WV



11:00 AM 4:00 PM, Valley Grove Volunteer Fire Department, 355Fire House Lane, Valley Grove, WV

11:00 AM 4:00 PM, Warwood Fire Station #9, 1301 Richland Avenue,Wheeling, WV

11:00 AM 4:00 PM, Wheeling Island Fire Station #5, 11 NorthWabash Street, Wheeling, WV

Putnam County

9:00 AM 5:00 PM, Liberty Square, 316 Putnam Village Drive,Hurricane, WV (pre-registration:

Additional testing will be held on Monday,December 21, 2020 in Berkeley, Cabell, Clay, Hardy, Logan, Mineral, Monongalia,Nicholas, Ohio, Putnam, Taylor, and Wayne counties.

There are many ways to obtain free COVID-19 testing in WestVirginia. Please visit

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COVID-19 Daily Update 12-19-2020 - West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources

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