Could cancer vaccines soon become a reality? Russian scientists on the verge of a breakthrough, claims President Putin – The Financial Express

Russian scientists are close to creating vaccines for cancer which can soon be available to patients, said President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday.

Putin stated during a televised address that we are on the verge of developing what are commonly referred to as cancer vaccines and next-generation immunomodulatory drugs.

Putin added that he hopes these methods will soon be effectively utilized as individual therapy options, speaking at a Moscow forum on future technologies.

Putin refrained from specifying the types of cancer that the proposed vaccines would target, as well as their mechanisms of action.

Multiple countries and corporations are actively engaged in the development of cancer vaccines. In the previous year, the UK government forged an agreement with Germany-based BioNTech to initiate clinical trials for delivering personalized cancer treatments, intending to reach 10,000 patients by 2030.

Moderna and Merck & Co, pharmaceutical giants, are in the process of developing an experimental cancer vaccine. A mid-stage study has revealed promising results, indicating that the vaccine reduced the likelihood of recurrence or mortality from melanomathe deadliest form of skin cancerby fifty percent after three years of treatment.

According to a report by news agency Reuters, the World Health Organization reports that there are presently six licensed vaccines targeting human papillomaviruses (HPV), which are responsible for numerous cancers such as cervical cancer. Additionally, vaccines against hepatitis B (HBV), a virus linked to liver cancer, are available.

Amid the coronavirus pandemic, Russia introduced its own COVID-19 vaccine called Sputnik V, which was exported to several countries. However, within Russia, there was notable public hesitancy towards vaccination.

To instill confidence in the vaccines effectiveness and safety, Putin himself disclosed that he had received the Sputnik V vaccine.

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Could cancer vaccines soon become a reality? Russian scientists on the verge of a breakthrough, claims President Putin - The Financial Express

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