Coronavirus Watch: Just how bad is it to be in an ICU with COVID? – USA TODAY

Most people who die of COVID-19 first spend time in an ICU.

Early in the pandemic, about one-third of COVID-19 patients treated in intensive care died. Those figures are far better now, thoughprecise numbers aren't available.

But what we do know is that most of the survivors don't bounce back quickly.A study recently found that among Dutch people treated for COVID-19 in an ICU, 74% still had physical symptoms a year later, including weakness and muscle and joint pain. More than a quarter reported lingering mental symptoms and 16% had cognitive problems.

Read more from reporter Karen Weintraub on the experiences of COVIDpatients in the ICU here.

It's Tuesday, and this is Coronavirus Watch from the USA TODAY Network. Here's more news to know:

See our COVID-19 resource guide here. See total reported cases anddeaths here. On vaccinations: About 76% of people in the U.S. have received at least one vaccine shot, and about 64% are fully vaccinated, according to the CDC.

Cady Stanton, USA TODAY digital editor fellow, @cady_stanton

Original post:

Coronavirus Watch: Just how bad is it to be in an ICU with COVID? - USA TODAY

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