Coronavirus cases are rising, but we all know how to slow the spread –

Masks really do decrease your risk of catching the virus, but only if they securely cover your nose and mouth.

NEW ORLEANS Now that places are reopening, there is optimism. Some people are getting back to work. Others are happy to have a place to go and socialize. And we know you dont want to go back to strict stay at home orders. So how do we do that? Here is what weve learned so far.

First lets look at the concern. The coronavirus is not gone and a vaccine is not approved. Other states are seeing a rise.

"And the reality is, based on these trends that we're seeing, every Louisianan needs to do a real gut check on whether he or she has been slacking off when it comes to taking the proper precautions," said Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards.

Now, there's the R0 (R Naught). It shows the reproductive index for the coronavirus. That's the probability of it multiplying in other people. The higher the number, more than 1.0, means multiple people are being infected by each single person. Lower than 1.0, means the number of cases is going down.

Louisiana's R0 was going down when people stayed home. April 26 it was 0.74. Today it is at 1.09.

So what else have we learned? Well, that masks really do decrease your risk of catching the virus, but only if they securely cover your nose and mouth. Goggles protect you too, since the virus can get in your eyes.

We've learned physical distancing of six feet or more also cuts down on transmission. We've learned that the virus is less likely to spread outdoors than indoors. You could catch it sitting downwind in the AC from an infected person. And we know that the virus can survive for hours, even days on surfaces, that is why handwashing is important.

Still, WWL-TV is getting messages from viewers like this one:

"I was out yesterday and I was in the minority of people wearing a mask. What do you think of all the networks banding together and starting a "wear your mask" campaign? Maybe get the Saints to be spokespersons?

So the advice remains the same.

"We need people to wear their masks, wash their hands, practice social distancing, stay home when they are sick," added Governor Edwards.

And now there's even new science to back all of the information up. Follow the ways doctors know we can prevent spreading and we can get back to all the people and things in life that we love.

The governor added that each of us has the power to slow the spread saying he knows we can do it because we did it before.

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Coronavirus cases are rising, but we all know how to slow the spread -

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