Confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Arizona rises to 104 – KVOA Tucson News

TUCSON - The confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Arizona hasincreased to 104, according to data released by the Arizona Department ofHealth Services Saturday morning.

The level of community spread has been updated to moderate,meaning there have been confirmed cases in 5-12 counties.

Maricopa County has 49 confirmed cases, the highest number of cases confirmed in one Arizona county.

Preventing Coronavirus

COVID-19 spreads through the air when an infected personcoughs or sneezes. Symptoms are thought to appear within 2 to 14 days afterexposure and consist of fever, cough, runny nose, or difficulty breathing.Those considered at highest risk for contracting the virus are individuals withtravel to an area where the virus is spreading, or individuals in close contactwith a person who is diagnosed as having COVID-19.

The best ways to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses,including COVID-19, are to:

Washyour hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and waterare not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

Avoidtouching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

Avoidclose contact with people who are sick.

Stayhome when you are sick.

Coveryour cough or sneeze with a tissue, then immediately throw the tissue in thetrash.

Cleanand disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

Public health officials advise residents that flu and otherrespiratory diseases are circulating in the community, and are recommendingeveryone get a flu shot and follow basic prevention guidelines.

If you have recently traveled to an area where COVID-19 iscirculating, and have developed fever with cough or shortness of breath within14 days of your travel, or have had contact with someone who is suspected tohave 2019 novel coronavirus, please stay home. Most people with COVID-19develop mild symptoms. If you have mild symptoms, please do not seek medicalcare, but do stay home and practice social distancing from others in thehousehold where possible. If you do have shortness of breath or more severesymptoms, please call your health care provider to get instructions beforearriving.

For the latest information about COVID-19, calling 520-626-6016.

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Confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Arizona rises to 104 - KVOA Tucson News

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