Children Aged 5 to 11 to be Offered COVID-19 Vaccine – Medscape

All children of primary school age in England will be eligible for a COVID-19 vaccination.

The decision followed arecommendation by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation(JCVI), which advised a non-urgent offer to all 5- to 11-year-olds of 2 (10mcg) doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech paediatric vaccine.

Despite children in this age group being at low risk of serious illness from SARS-CoV-2, a small proportion of children infected go on to develop severe disease.

Latest evidence suggested that offering the vaccine ahead of another potential wave would protect this cohort from serious illness and hospitalisation, the UK Health Security Agency said, and would also provide some short-term protection against mild infection.

Vaccinating this age groupwould also limit the risk of infection for surrounding adults. According to ONS data releasedWednesday, peopleworking in the education sector were more likely to test positivecompared to adults in other jobs, likely because of the recent high infections amongst school children.

The Scottish and Welsh governments had already announced they would be offering a vaccine to 5- to 11-year olds after they saw the draft guidance.

Dr Peter English, a retired consultant in communicable disease control, said that the UK had been "dragging its feet" on the issue, and welcomed the decision. He told the Science Media Centre: "The evidence is overwhelming that the vaccine is safe in children."

Commenting on its advice, Prof Wei Shen Lim, chair of COVID-19 immunisation on the JCVI, said: "The committee has carefully considered the potential direct health impacts of vaccination and potential indirect educational impacts.

"The main purpose of offering vaccination to 5- to 11-year olds is to increase their protection against severe illness in advance of a potential future wave of COVID-19."

The two doses of vaccine should be given at least 12 weeks apart, the JCVI advised.

England's Health Secretary, Sajid Javid, said on Wednesday that the NHS would "prepare to extend this non-urgent offer to all children during April".

'At-risk' 5- to 11-year olds started receiving a COVID vaccine earlier this month, following a recommendation by the JCVI in December.

In a statement, the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health said: "The COVID vaccine has been certified as safe by the Medicines Healthcare Regulation Agency, and we would encourage all those who are eligible to have the vaccine to consider doing so."

It called for careful planning to "ensure a favourable experience for children", and ensuring that all children had equal access to a vaccine.

Prof Lim said broadening the COVID vaccine rollout to more young children must not impede catch-up in the childhood immunisation programme.

"Other important childhood vaccinations, such as MMR and HPV, have fallen behind due to the pandemic. It is vital these programmes continue and are not displaced by the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine to this age group," he said.

Matt Keeling, professor of populations and disease at the University of Warwick, who sits on the JCVI, said members "had to weigh the potential longer-term benefits of vaccinating 511-year-olds generating additional immunity against future variants against the potential disruptions that a new vaccination program could have on other immunisations and on the educational system in general.

Prof Keeling cautioned that the logistical problems of offering a COVID vaccine to children in this age group were "considerable". "It has recently been revealed that uptake of the MMR vaccine has dropped, and to young children measles is generally far more harmful than COVD-19 so it is important that vaccination against COVID is not prioritised over other existing programmes," he said.

Adam Finn, professor of paediatrics at the University of Bristol, who is also a JCVI member, agreed: "It will be important that the deployment of this part of the COVID vaccine programme does not result in children failing to receive doses of other important vaccines, for example against meningitis, cervical cancer, and measles, in a timely way."

Dr Brian Ferguson, associate professor of immunology at the University of Cambridge, said that improving protection against new variants of SARS-CoV-2 could be an important outcome of the latest programme, particularly as many children of primary school age have had COVID this winter. "We know that vaccination on top of prior infection generates an increased breadth of neutralising antibodies, which will very likely help to protect from future variants, should they arise and circulate in the UK," he commented. "Giving parents the choice to vaccinate their child with this safe, effective vaccine is reasonable, and many will be left wondering why it has not happened sooner."

Prof Adam Finn is a member of JCVI and also does vaccine policy advisory work for WHO. He is chief investigator of the Valneva and Sanofi COVID vaccine development programmes in the UK and investigator in other COVID vaccine trials, and trials of other non-COVID vaccines. He leads research projects on vaccine preventable disease epidemiology funded by Pfizer. He receives no personal remuneration for any of this work and his sole source of income is his salary from the University of Bristol.

Prof Matt Keeling is a member of SPI-M and JCVI but declares he is speaking here in a personal capacity.

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Children Aged 5 to 11 to be Offered COVID-19 Vaccine - Medscape

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