Category: Flu Virus

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Influenza (flu) – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic

October 13, 2022


Influenza is a viral infection that attacks your respiratory system your nose, throat and lungs. Influenza is commonly called the flu, but it's not the same as stomach "flu" viruses that cause diarrhea and vomiting.

For most people, the flu resolves on its own. But sometimes, influenza and its complications can be deadly. People at higher risk of developing flu complications include:

Though the annual influenza vaccine isn't 100% effective, it's still your best defense against the flu.

At first, the flu may seem like a common cold with a runny nose, sneezing and sore throat. But colds usually develop slowly, whereas the flu tends to come on suddenly. And although a cold can be a bother, you usually feel much worse with the flu.

Common signs and symptoms of the flu include:

Most people who get the flu can treat themselves at home and often don't need to see a doctor.

If you have flu symptoms and are at risk of complications, see your doctor right away. Taking antiviral drugs may reduce the length of your illness and help prevent more-serious problems.

If you have emergency signs and symptoms of the flu, get medical care right away. For adults, emergency signs and symptoms can include:

Emergency signs and symptoms in children can include:

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Influenza viruses travel through the air in droplets when someone with the infection coughs, sneezes or talks. You can inhale the droplets directly, or you can pick up the germs from an object such as a telephone or computer keyboard and then transfer them to your eyes, nose or mouth.

People with the virus are likely contagious from about a day before symptoms appear until about five days after they start. Children and people with weakened immune systems may be contagious for a slightly longer time.

Influenza viruses are constantly changing, with new strains appearing regularly. If you've had influenza in the past, your body has already made antibodies to fight that specific strain of the virus. If future influenza viruses are similar to those you've encountered before, either by having the disease or by getting vaccinated, those antibodies may prevent infection or lessen its severity. But antibody levels may decline over time.

Also, antibodies against influenza viruses you've encountered in the past may not protect you from new influenza strains that can be very different viruses from what you had before.

Factors that may increase your risk of developing the flu or its complications include:

If you're young and healthy, the flu usually isn't serious. Although you may feel miserable while you have it, the flu usually goes away in a week or two with no lasting effects. But children and adults at high risk may develop complications that may include:

Pneumonia is one of the most serious complications. For older adults and people with a chronic illness, pneumonia can be deadly.

Mayo Clinic offers flu shots in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends annual flu vaccination for everyone age 6 months or older. The flu vaccine can reduce your risk of the flu and its severity and lower the risk of having serious illness from the flu and needing to stay in the hospital.

Flu vaccination is especially important this season because the flu and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cause similar symptoms. Flu vaccination could reduce symptoms that might be confused with those caused by COVID-19. Preventing the flu and reducing the severity of flu illness and hospitalizations could also lessen the number of people needing to stay in the hospital.

It may be possible to get a COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as your flu vaccine.

This year's seasonal flu vaccine provides protection from the four influenza viruses that are expected to be the most common during the year's flu season. This year, the vaccine will be available as an injection and as a nasal spray.

The nasal spray isn't recommended for some groups, such as:

If you have an egg allergy, you can still get a flu vaccine.

DeeDee Stiepan: Getting your annual flu vaccine is especially important this season.

Gregory Poland, M.D., Infectious Diseases, Mayo Clinic: Where we have COVID spreading, we will very likely have influenza spreading.

DeeDee Stiepan: The flu vaccine won't protect against COVID-19 but it can help reduce the chance of getting the flu.

Dr. Poland: The symptoms of COVID and influenza overlap almost exactly in their initial manifestations with the exception of the loss of smell, loss of taste. That would be very unusual in influenza.

DeeDee Stiepan: Getting a flu vaccine helps rule out influenza if you develop respiratory issues and helps reduce stress on the health care system.

Dr. Poland: Every American, age six months and older, get a flu vaccine. An opportunity we have in the context of this twindemic is not only to get our flu vaccines but to remember these non-pharmaceutical interventions: the mask wearing, physical distancing. While they prevent COVID, they also decrease the risk of influenza.

DeeDee Stiepan: For the Mayo Clinic News Network, I'm DeeDee Stiepan.

The influenza vaccine isn't 100% effective, so it's also important to take several measures to reduce the spread of infection, including:

Avoid crowds. The flu spreads easily wherever people gather in child care centers, schools, office buildings, auditoriums and public transportation. By avoiding crowds during peak flu season, you reduce your chances of infection.

Also avoid anyone who is sick. And if you're sick, stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone so that you lessen your chance of infecting others.

Both COVID-19 and the flu may be spreading at the same time. Your local health department and the CDC may suggest other precautions to reduce your risk of COVID-19 or the flu if you haven't been fully vaccinated. For example, you may need to practice social distancing (physical distancing) and stay at least 6 feet (2 meters) from others outside your household. You may also need to wear a cloth face mask when indoors with people outside your household and when outdoors in crowded areas. If you're fully vaccinated and are in an area with a high number of new COVID-19 cases in the last week, the CDC also recommends wearing a mask indoors in public and outdoors in crowded areas or when you're in close contact with unvaccinated people.

Sept. 21, 2022

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Influenza (flu) - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

Orthomyxoviridae – Wikipedia

October 13, 2022

Family of RNA viruses including the influenza viruses

Orthomyxoviridae (from Greek , orths 'straight' + , mxa 'mucus')[1] is a family of negative-sense RNA viruses. It includes seven genera: Alphainfluenzavirus, Betainfluenzavirus, Gammainfluenzavirus, Deltainfluenzavirus, Isavirus, Thogotovirus, and Quaranjavirus. The first four genera contain viruses that cause influenza in birds (see also avian influenza) and mammals, including humans. Isaviruses infect salmon; the thogotoviruses are arboviruses, infecting vertebrates and invertebrates (such as ticks and mosquitoes).[2][3][4] The Quaranjaviruses are also arboviruses, infecting vertebrates (birds) and invertebrates (arthropods).

The four genera of Influenza virus that infect vertebrates, which are identified by antigenic differences in their nucleoprotein and matrix protein, are as follows:

The influenzavirus virion is pleomorphic; the viral envelope can occur in spherical and filamentous forms. In general, the virus's morphology is ellipsoidal with particles 100120nm in diameter, or filamentous with particles 80100nm in diameter and up to 20m long.[5] There are approximately 500 distinct spike-like surface projections in the envelope each projecting 1014nm from the surface with varying surface densities. The major glycoprotein (HA) spike is interposed irregularly by clusters of neuraminidase (NA) spikes, with a ratio of HA to NA of about 10 to 1.[6]

The viral envelope composed of a lipid bilayer membrane in which the glycoprotein spikes are anchored encloses the nucleocapsids; nucleoproteins of different size classes with a loop at each end; the arrangement within the virion is uncertain. The ribonuclear proteins are filamentous and fall in the range of 50130nm long and 915nm in diameter with helical symmetry.[citation needed]

Viruses of the family Orthomyxoviridae contain six to eight segments of linear negative-sense single stranded RNA. They have a total genome length that is 10,00014,600 nucleotides (nt).[7] The influenza A genome, for instance, has eight pieces of segmented negative-sense RNA (13.5 kilobases total).[8]

The best-characterised of the influenzavirus proteins are hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, two large glycoproteins found on the outside of the viral particles. Hemagglutinin is a lectin that mediates binding of the virus to target cells and entry of the viral genome into the target cell.[9] In contrast, neuraminidase is an enzyme involved in the release of progeny virus from infected cells, by cleaving sugars that bind the mature viral particles. The hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N) proteins are key targets for antibodies and antiviral drugs,[10][11] and they are used to classify the different serotypes of influenza A viruses, hence the H and N in H5N1.

The genome sequence has terminal repeated sequences; repeated at both ends. Terminal repeats at the 5-end 1213 nucleotides long. Nucleotide sequences of 3-terminus identical; the same in genera of same family; most on RNA (segments), or on all RNA species. Terminal repeats at the 3-end 911 nucleotides long. Encapsidated nucleic acid is solely genomic. Each virion may contain defective interfering copies. In Influenza A (H1N1) PB1-F2 is produced from an alternative reading frame in PB1. The M and NS genes produce two different genes via alternative splicing.[12]

Typically, influenza is transmitted from infected mammals through the air by coughs or sneezes, creating aerosols containing the virus, and from infected birds through their droppings. Influenza can also be transmitted by saliva, nasal secretions, feces and blood. Infections occur through contact with these bodily fluids or with contaminated surfaces. Out of a host, flu viruses can remain infectious for about one week at human body temperature, over 30 days at 0C (32F), and indefinitely at very low temperatures (such as lakes in northeast Siberia). They can be inactivated easily by disinfectants and detergents.[13][14][15]

The viruses bind to a cell through interactions between its hemagglutinin glycoprotein and sialic acid sugars on the surfaces of epithelial cells in the lung and throat (Stage 1 in infection figure).[16] The cell imports the virus by endocytosis. In the acidic endosome, part of the hemagglutinin protein fuses the viral envelope with the vacuole's membrane, releasing the viral RNA (vRNA) molecules, accessory proteins and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase into the cytoplasm (Stage 2).[17] These proteins and vRNA form a complex that is transported into the cell nucleus, where the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase begins transcribing complementary positive-sense cRNA (Steps 3a and b).[18] The cRNA is either exported into the cytoplasm and translated (step 4), or remains in the nucleus. Newly synthesised viral proteins are either secreted through the Golgi apparatus onto the cell surface (in the case of neuraminidase and hemagglutinin, step 5b) or transported back into the nucleus to bind vRNA and form new viral genome particles (step 5a). Other viral proteins have multiple actions in the host cell, including degrading cellular mRNA and using the released nucleotides for vRNA synthesis and also inhibiting translation of host-cell mRNAs.[19]

Negative-sense vRNAs that form the genomes of future viruses, RNA-dependent RNA transcriptase, and other viral proteins are assembled into a virion. Hemagglutinin and neuraminidase molecules cluster into a bulge in the cell membrane. The vRNA and viral core proteins leave the nucleus and enter this membrane protrusion (step 6). The mature virus buds off from the cell in a sphere of host phospholipid membrane, acquiring hemagglutinin and neuraminidase with this membrane coat (step 7).[20] As before, the viruses adhere to the cell through hemagglutinin; the mature viruses detach once their neuraminidase has cleaved sialic acid residues from the host cell.[16] After the release of new influenza virus, the host cell dies.

Orthomyxoviridae viruses are one of two RNA viruses that replicate in the nucleus (the other being retroviridae). This is because the machinery of orthomyxo viruses cannot make their own mRNAs. They use cellular RNAs as primers for initiating the viral mRNA synthesis in a process known as cap snatching.[21] Once in the nucleus, the RNA Polymerase Protein PB2 finds a cellular pre-mRNA and binds to its 5 capped end. Then RNA Polymerase PA cleaves off the cellular mRNA near the 5 end and uses this capped fragment as a primer for transcribing the rest of the viral RNA genome in viral mRNA.[22] This is due to the need of mRNA to have a 5 cap in order to be recognized by the cell's ribosome for translation.

Since RNA proofreading enzymes are absent, the RNA-dependent RNA transcriptase makes a single nucleotide insertion error roughly every 10 thousand nucleotides, which is the approximate length of the influenza vRNA. Hence, nearly every newly manufactured influenza virus will contain a mutation in its genome.[23] The separation of the genome into eight separate segments of vRNA allows mixing (reassortment) of the genes if more than one variety of influenza virus has infected the same cell (superinfection). The resulting alteration in the genome segments packaged into viral progeny confers new behavior, sometimes the ability to infect new host species or to overcome protective immunity of host populations to its old genome (in which case it is called an antigenic shift).[10]

In a phylogenetic-based taxonomy, the category RNA virus includes the subcategory negative-sense ssRNA virus, which includes the order Articulavirales, and the family Orthomyxoviridae. The genera-associated species and serotypes of Orthomyxoviridae are shown in the following table.

There are four genera of influenza virus, each containing only a single species, or type. Influenza A and C infect a variety of species (including humans), while influenza B almost exclusively infects humans, and influenza D infects cattle and pigs.[26][27][28]

Influenza A viruses are further classified, based on the viral surface proteins hemagglutinin (HA or H) and neuraminidase (NA or N). 18 HA subtypes (or serotypes) and 11 NA subtypes of influenza A virus have been isolated in nature. Among these, the HA subtype 1-16 and NA subtype 1-9 are found in wild waterfowl and shorebirds and the HA subtypes 17-18 and NA subtypes 10-11 have only been isolated from bats.[29][30]

Further variation exists; thus, specific influenza strain isolates are identified by a standard nomenclature specifying virus type, geographical location where first isolated, sequential number of isolation, year of isolation, and HA and NA subtype.[31][32]

Examples of the nomenclature are:

The type A influenza viruses are the most virulent human pathogens among the three influenza types and cause the most severe disease. It is thought that all influenza A viruses causing outbreaks or pandemics originate from wild aquatic birds.[33] All influenza A virus pandemics since the 1900's were caused by Avian influenza, through Reassortment with human influenza strains (seasonal flu) or through adaptation in a mixing vessel (see 2009 swine flu pandemic).[34] The serotypes that have been confirmed in humans, ordered by the number of confirmed human deaths, are:

Influenza B virus is almost exclusively a human pathogen, and is less common than influenza A. The only other animal known to be susceptible to influenza B infection is the seal.[46] This type of influenza mutates at a rate 23 times lower than type A[47] and consequently is less genetically diverse, with only one influenza B serotype.[26] As a result of this lack of antigenic diversity, a degree of immunity to influenza B is usually acquired at an early age. However, influenza B mutates enough that lasting immunity is not possible.[48] This reduced rate of antigenic change, combined with its limited host range (inhibiting cross species antigenic shift), ensures that pandemics of influenza B do not occur.[49]

The influenza C virus infects humans and pigs, and can cause severe illness and local epidemics.[50] However, influenza C is less common than the other types and usually causes mild disease in children.[51][52]

This is a genus that was classified in 2016, the members of which were first isolated in 2011.[53] This genus appears to be most closely related to Influenza C, from which it diverged several hundred years ago.[54] There are at least two extant strains of this genus.[55] The main hosts appear to be cattle, but the virus has been known to infect pigs as well.

Mammalian influenza viruses tend to be labile, but can survive several hours in mucus.[56] Avian influenza virus can survive for 100 days in distilled water at room temperature, and 200 days at 17C (63F). The avian virus is inactivated more quickly in manure, but can survive for up to 2 weeks in feces on cages. Avian influenza viruses can survive indefinitely when frozen.[56] Influenza viruses are susceptible to bleach, 70% ethanol, aldehydes, oxidizing agents, and quaternary ammonium compounds. They are inactivated by heat of 133F (56C) for minimum of 60 minutes, as well as by low pH <2.[56]

Vaccines and drugs are available for the prophylaxis and treatment of influenza virus infections. Vaccines are composed of either inactivated or live attenuated virions of the H1N1 and H3N2 human influenza A viruses, as well as those of influenza B viruses. Because the antigenicities of the wild viruses evolve, vaccines are reformulated annually by updating the seed strains.[citation needed]

When the antigenicities of the seed strains and wild viruses do not match, vaccines fail to protect the vaccinees.[citation needed] In addition, even when they do match, escape mutants are often generated.[citation needed]

Drugs available for the treatment of influenza include Amantadine and Rimantadine, which inhibit the uncoating of virions by interfering with M2, and Oseltamivir (marketed under the brand name Tamiflu), Zanamivir, and Peramivir, which inhibit the release of virions from infected cells by interfering with NA. However, escape mutants are often generated for the former drug and less frequently for the latter drug.[57]

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Orthomyxoviridae - Wikipedia

Prevent the Spread of Influenza and COVID-19 Viruses Within Your Community –

October 13, 2022

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As families return from summer vacation and students return to school, the influenza (flu) season is approaching while the COVID-19 pandemic is still on-going.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, every year in the United States, millions of children get sick with flu like illnesses and thousands of them are hospitalized due to complications from influenza viruses. Also, the risk of complications from the flu virus increases for those 65 years and older.

According to the World Health Organization, there are about 3 to 5 million cases of severe illness annually due to influenza viruses and about 290,000 to 650,000 deaths. While influenza and COVID-19 are both typically considered winter viruses, they can occur at any time.

In other words, there is an increased risk of infection rate during the winter season compared to any other period in the year, said U.S. Army Public Health nurse regional consultant Lt. Col. Simeon Smith. During this winter season, we have to be vigilant to protect our families, friends, communities and ourselves from the spread of both influenza viruses and COVID-19.

According to health experts, influenza viruses and COVID-19 are both contagious respiratory illnesses and can affect the upper airway and sometimes the lungs.

Without being protected by the influenza and COVID vaccines, no one is immune from these viruses, added Smith.

Health officials warn that being infected with one, or both, of these viruses can cause mild to severe illnesses and could lead to death.

According to Smith, both of these viruses have similar symptoms, and it can be difficult to tell the difference just by looking at or experiencing the symptoms. Smith recommends to consult with a healthcare provider and get tested when you feel sick or display symptoms.

As we enter into the winter season, it is increasingly important to take the necessary precautions to protect ourselves against influenza viruses and COVID-19, said Smith.

The Food and Drug Administration recently approved COVID-19 vaccine for those who are six months old and above. Studies show that since the development and implementation of the COVID-19 vaccine, there has been a sharp decline in the death rate and hospitalization in the United States and Europe.

According to Smith, the influenza vaccine is an approved seasonal vaccine that is administered every year. TRICARE beneficiaries can contact their military hospital or clinic in order to receive the vaccines.

There are things we all can do in protecting our family, friends, our communities and ourselves, said Smith.

Smith offered the following recommended preventive measures to protect families, friends and ourselves:

We all have a role to play in protecting ourselves and love ones and limiting the spread of viruses within our schools, work environments and communities, added Smith.

CDCs Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommends that individuals should get vaccinated because it is the best protection against the influenza and COVID-19 viruses.

Individuals are encouraged to contact their local military hospital or clinic and arrange to get their flu and COVID-19 vaccines.

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Prevent the Spread of Influenza and COVID-19 Viruses Within Your Community -

Is it a cold, the flu or Covid-19? It can be hard to determine without testingthis chart may help narrow it down – CNBC

October 13, 2022

We're entering that time of the year when there are multiple communicable diseases in play, and the similarities between them will make it hard to distinguish which one you're experiencing.

Typical symptoms of the flu, Covid and the common cold all include coughing, sore throat and a runny nose. And because of that overlap, testing is the only way to be sure, according to Cline Gounder, an infectious disease specialist, epidemiologist and senior fellow at the Kaiser Family Foundation.

"At this stage in the pandemic, it's really difficult to differentiate between the flu, Covid, common colds and even seasonal allergies," says Gounder.

"I, even as an infectious disease specialist who's been practicing for a couple decades now, cannot differentiate just on an exam. You really need to do a test."

Early in the pandemic, symptoms like red eyes and loss of smell and taste were clear indicators of Covid-19, but those distinctive indicators aren't showing up in most people with the disease anymore, she adds.

"That's probably a reflection of two things: one, most people have some degree of immunity, so it's playing out a bit differently when people get infected. Secondly, the virus has mutated and different variants are going to behave differently," Gounder says.

Possible symptoms for the common cold, flu and Covid

"Wearing a high-quality mask, whether it's a KN95 mask or an N95 mask, when you're indoors in public places, will certainly reduce your risk," says Gounder.

She also recommends:

To avoid putting others at risk and to help minimize the severity of any illness you might contract, you should stock up on at-home antigen tests for Covid-19, Gounder suggests.

And if you do end up feeling under the weather, it would be best to assume you may have Covid, and act accordingly by testing and isolating yourself from others.

Even if you test negative on the first day, Gounder recommends retesting on day two to be sure. "If by two days after developing symptoms you're still not testing positive on those at-home tests, it's pretty unlikely you have Covid."

Ideally, people should get diagnosed with viruses like Covid-19 and the flu early in the course of illness, Gounder says.

Detecting those conditions in their beginning stages allows people to receive treatments like Paxlovid for Covid and Tamiflu for influenza to prevent serious complications down the line like hospitalization, she adds.

If you're experiencing severe symptoms like a drop in your oxygen levels or shortness of breath, she strongly recommends going to the hospital where you will be able to receive medical attention and additional testing.

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Is it a cold, the flu or Covid-19? It can be hard to determine without testingthis chart may help narrow it down - CNBC

Increased genetic variation of A(H3N2) virus from influenza surveillance at the end of the 2016/2017 season for Shanghai port, China | Scientific…

October 13, 2022

Virological influenza surveillance during flu season 2016/2017

Virological influenza surveillance data in the Shanghai port were collected weekly. From February 2016 to September 2017, a total of 64 swab samples were collected from passengers of different countries, including 41 passed through Asia (25 from Hong Kong and 12 from Southeast Asia, especially), 16 passed through Europe, 7 passed through the America, and 7 passed through Oceania.

A(H3N2) virus activity increased from the 44th week of 2016, peaked in the 1st week of 2017 and decreased afterwards. The highest proportion of A(H3N2) was observed in summer (28/64, 43.7%), followed by winter (22/64, 34.3%) which outnumbered by that in spring and fall (11/64, 21.8%).

Of the 610 genetically characterized viruses, 546 were provided from GISAID EpiFlu databases. All 64 HA genes sequenced by the Shanghai Port belonged to the H3N2 3C.2a clade. This clade also included the vaccine strain A/HongKong/4801/2014, supporting the vaccine recommendation in the 20162018 northern hemisphere influenza season by WHO. Among the 64 viruses, the majority (n=20, 31.2%) belonged to the subclade 3C.2a.1 represented by A/Singapore/INFIMH-16-0019/2016. The proportions for other subclades were 26.5% (3C.2a.2, n=17), 25% (3C.2a.3, n=16) and 6.2% (3C.2a.4, n=4) (Fig.1).

Phylogenetic analysis of the HA segments circulating between 2016/2017.

Individual clades of A(H3N2) are typically defined by amino acid substitutions that occur as they diversify from parental strains. Analysis of HA sequences indicated co-circulation of multiple variants in clade 3C.2a. All variants within subclade 3C.2a.1 shared four substitutions N121K, N171K, I406V and G484E. Three additional substitutions were observed in the 3C.2a.1 subcluster: S92R and H311Q in cluster I, G479E in cluster II. Variants 3C.2a.3 shared N121K/E and S144K (I58V and S219R in cluster I and T135K and R150K in cluster II), Variants 3C.2a.2 were characterized by T131K and R142K substitutions and variants 3C.2a.4 were characterized by D53N, R142G, S144R, I182T and Q197H (Fig.2).

Schematic diagram demonstrating the shared amino acid changes between clades 3C.2a, 3C.2a.1, 3C.2a.2, 3C.2a.3 and 3C.2a.4 on HA gene.

There were more 3C.2a.1 variants identified from samples collected in the 2017 summer (n=11) than in the 2016/2017 winter (n=7). This subclade was further divided into two homogenous sub-clusters (cluster I and II; Fig.1). The strains from cluster I were concentrated in winter, and the cluster II strains were persisted more common in the summer months. Most viruses in the subgroup 3C.2a.3 happened in summer. And we also found that there was no prominent summer or winter trend of viruses clustered in 3C.2a.2.

To analyze the geographical distribution of A(H3N2) in China, 31 provinces were classified into six regions based on geographic proximity: North (Beijing), East-coastal (Shanghai), East-inland (Anhui), South-coastal (Guangdong), South-inland (Guizhou), Northeast (Jilin), Northwest (Shanxi) and West (Sichuan). According to our phylogenetic analysis, the A(H3N2) number of the above six regions be counted (Fig.3A). The Proportions for A(H3N2) in these regions were 5%, 43%, 7.2%, 19%, 4%, 7% ,5% and 7%, respectively. Interestingly, higher epidemic waves of A(H3N2) were observed in Eastern and Southern in China coastal areas, and we presumed that convenient transportation and dense population contributed to it19.

The Proportions of Influenza A(H3N2) in China six regions (A) and H3N2 clade patterns in China eight provinces (B).

The genetic diversity results (Fig.3B) indicated that the diversity increased in the East and South, especially coastal cities, Shanghai and Guangzhou. All clades and subclades of the current A(H3N2) were detected in both cities. 3C.2a.3 (60%) was dominant in Guangzhou, with a small proportion of 3C.2a.4 (10%), 3C.2a (3%), 3C.1 (2%), 3C.3 (5%), 3C.2a.1-I (10%) and 3C.2a.1 (5%). In contrast, 3C.2a.1, 3C.2a.1-I and 3C.2a.2 were the major subcluster in Shanghai, with proportions of 19.21%, 32.36% and 30.34%, respectively. 3C.2a.3-II (4%), 3C.1 (1%), 3C.3 (2%) and 3C.2a (1%) were also detected in this region. The diversity of the clade pattern and the dominant clade in these two coastal cities matched well with the trends of the current global A (H3N2), likely because of the higher density of migration and subtropical monsoon climate20.

There were two models of predicted glycosylation sites in the HA proteins of the A(H3N2) clade 3C.2a: 12 potential glycosylation sites (N8ST, N22GT, N38AT, N45SS, N63CT, N126WT, N133GT, N158YT, N165VT, N246ST, N285GS and N483GT) and 11 potential glycosylation sites (N8ST, N22GT, N38AT, N45SS, N63CT, N126WT, N133GT, N158YT, N165VT, N246ST and N285GS). All of virus strains detected at the Shanghai Port in the clade 3C.2a.1 had 11 potential glycosylation sites, and the rest in the other clades had 12 sites. Comparing to the vaccine strains 2016/2017 A/HongKong/4801/2014 (N8ST, N22GT, N38AT, N45SS, N63CT, N126WT, N133GT, N165VT, N246ST, N285GS and N483GT), the clade 3C.2a.1 virus did not have potential glycosylation site 483(N483GT), the viruses in the clade 3C.2a.2, the clade 3C.2a.3 and the clade 3C.2a.4 had the potential glycosylation site 158(N158YT).

To assess the effect of the accumulated mutations in the HA1 domain on predicted vaccine efficacy in a given year, the p epitope method was used to evaluate how closely the vaccine strain resembles the imported strain (Table 1). Theoretically, when p epitope in the dominant epitope is higher than 0.19, the vaccine efficacy becomes negative21,22. For the 2016/2017 season, the average p epitope for all A(H3N2) strains was 0.090, which indicated the vaccine efficacy (VE) against those strains was 52.96% (E=24.89% of 47%, p epitope=0) of that of a perfect match with the vaccine strain. However, from the 2016/2017 winter to the 2017 autumn, the VE value fluctuated first and then decreased, with the highest value in spring (VE=58.51%), the lowest value in autumn (VE=58.51%), and the inflection point in summer (VE=49.29%). These results suggest that the A(H3N2) strains circulating in 2017 were separated from the vaccine strain and effectively reduced the VE starting in the summer.

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Increased genetic variation of A(H3N2) virus from influenza surveillance at the end of the 2016/2017 season for Shanghai port, China | Scientific...

Is a covid and flu twindemic on the horizon? – MIT Technology Review

October 13, 2022

As the weather cools in the Northern Hemisphere, and people increasingly mix indoors, we can expect cases to rise, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director general of the WHO, told journalists at a press briefing on Wednesday. Its not just the UKseveral countries in Europe are already seeing increases in covid-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths.

Another cause for concern stems from the viruss ability to evolve. The omicron variant is still responsible for the vast majority of cases globally. But the WHO is monitoring more than 300 omicron subvariants, all of which are considered to be of concern. As Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHOs covid-19 technical lead, said at the same briefing: We will continue to see waves of infection because we will be living with this virus.

Tech Review has been covering covid-19 since the pandemic began. Here are a few recent pieces from the archive:

Ever had your mind go blank? Brain scans show our brains can enter a neural state that makes it impossible to tap into our thoughts. (PNAS)

Doctors are discovering new, ultra-rare blood group systemsand have just described a 44th. (Wired)

Rapid antigen tests for covid-19 have paved the way for other home test kitscovering everything from flu to kidney disease. (Neo.Life)

The US shortage of Adderallprescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsyis biting, with affected people saying their lives have been turned upside down. (Vice)

Were becoming increasingly nearsighted. Myopia will affect half of the worlds population by 2050, partly because were spending more time reading indoors. (BBC Future)

More here:

Is a covid and flu twindemic on the horizon? - MIT Technology Review

expert comment on the bird flu situation in the UK – Science Media Centre

October 13, 2022

October 12, 2022

A comment from Professor Wendy Barclay on the current avian influenza outbreak in the UK.

Prof Wendy Barclay, Head of the Department of Infectious Disease at Imperial College London, and part of the FluMap consortium, says:

There is an avian influenza bird flu virus circulating here in the UK, across Europe, and in the US. The virus appears to be able to infect birds very easily and can be lethal both in wild birds and poultry.

Weve been seeing unprecedented levels of the virus around the UK this year, and usually numbers increase as winter approaches, so the situation could get even worse.

The outbreak is being closely monitored by APHA and DEFRA, but it is clear that farmed birds that are exposed to wild birds are vulnerable.

There is no evidence this virus is dangerous for people, but this will be monitored carefully. People should not handle infected birds.

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expert comment on the bird flu situation in the UK - Science Media Centre

Study highlights the importance of getting vaccinated for flu – News-Medical.Net

October 13, 2022

An international team of researchers has demonstrated that among patients hospitalized for influenza, those who were vaccinated had less severe infections, including reducing the odds for children requiring admittance to an intensive care unit by almost half.

In addition, the researchers found that deaths among hospitalized adults, 65 or older, who had been vaccinated were 38% lower compared to those who had not been vaccinated.

"A common complaint about influenza vaccine is that they are typically 40-60% effective against infection - or the 'what's the point?' complaint. So it is important to note that although everyone in this study was hospitalized, vaccinated individuals were less likely to be severely ill or die, suggesting that you are likely to have far less severe consequences if vaccinated," said Dr. Annette Regan, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health assistant professor of epidemiology and lead author of the peer-reviewed research, published this week in the October edition of The Lancet Infectious Diseases. "This is an important point, especially in light of the upcoming influenza season coupled with ongoing COVID-19 activity, both this season and into the future."

Globally, influenza contributes to 9.5 million hospitalizations, 81.5 million hospital days, and 145,000 deaths each year. Vaccination offers the best method of preventing influenza illness, reducing illness in the general population by 4060%, experts say.

Specifically, The Lancet analysis found that three groups routinely targeted for influenza vaccination experiences less severe illness. Children who had received only part of their first series of influenza vaccines had 36% lower chances of being admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU), and children who had fully completed their first series of influenza vaccines had 48% lower chances of admission to ICU compared to unvaccinated children, the researchers found.

The study "Severity of influenza illness associated with seasonal influenza vaccination among hospitalized patients in four South American countries" is the product of an international team of researchers from the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Paraguay, and drew on data from all four South American countries over a period of seven years. Data were obtained through the Network for the Evaluation of Vaccine Effectiveness in Latin America and the Caribbean, influenza (REVELAC-i) which is coordinated by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

"Although several studies have reported drops in influenza illness following influenza vaccination, the results have focused predominantly on adults in the United States, and this study aimed to evaluate the severity of influenza illness by vaccination status in a broad range of age groups, and across multiple South American countries," said Dr. Marta Von Horoch, a co-author who serves as coordinator of the National Immunization Program in Paraguay. "We were very pleased to work with our partners in the U.S. and across the continent, and these findings demonstrate, quite clearly, the importance of influenza vaccination for children and adults, no matter where they live."

The study the first-ever on this scale in South America - examined influenza-related hospitalization rates and outcomes across all four countries from 2013-19. Specifically, the analysts reviewed the outcomes for some 2,747 patients hospitalized with confirmed influenza virus infection, in three age groups children aged 624 months, adults aged 1864 years, and adults aged 65 years or older.

Given the reality that vaccination rates have fallen, in the U.S. and globally during the COVID-19 pandemic, including among children, the findings should help make clear the benefits of timely, pro-active immunization campaigns to the public, the researchers said.

With influenza season approaching this winter and influenza vaccines now available, these results highlight the importance of getting vaccinated for flu for anyone six months of age or older as CDC recommends. It is critical that healthcare providers and the public understand the risks of missing out on vaccinations it is so much better to prevent a serious illness than to suffer through it, for the patient and everyone in their community."

Dr. Annette Regan, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health

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Study highlights the importance of getting vaccinated for flu - News-Medical.Net

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