Michigan hits 60% milestone for residents partially vaccinated against COVID-19 – MLive.com
June 11, 2021
Michigan crossed the 60% threshold for residents 16 years and older who have received at least a first dose of COVID-19 vaccine.
As of Thursday, June 10, more than 4.86 million residents have gotten their first dose of vaccine. The state is 806,870 residents away from hitting its goal of reaching 70% partially vaccinated.
The milestone comes as coronavirus cases, hospitalizations and positive test rates continue to dip into lows not seen since last summer.
Thanks to every Michiganderwho stepped up to keep themselves, their family, and their community safe, Whitmer said via a prepared statement Friday, June 11. We can all feel a sense of optimism thanks to the tireless efforts of countless frontline workers who put their own safety on the line to keep the rest of us going. And we are tremendously grateful to the medical community who kept us all safe andcreatedthe safe, effective vaccines, all miracles of modern science.
As we crossthe60% milestone in vaccinations, we are seeing cases, deaths, and hospitalizations continue to fall fast,which has helped to poise our economy for astrong recovery. I know that we can give Michigan the economic jumpstart it needs with the billions in available federal fundsand our multi-billion dollarbudget surplus. We will emerge from this once-in-a-century pandemic stronger than ever, and I am confident that we can make lasting, transformative investments in our schools, small businesses, and communities to help them thrive.
Related: Michigans affluent neighborhoods are three times more likely to be vaccinated than poor areas
While Michigan has set its goals around getting residents at least partially vaccinated, health officials recommend getting two doses of the Pfizer or Moderna shots for maximum efficacy. In Michigan, 48.7% of residents 12 years and older have completed their vaccination -- or nearly 4.19 million people -- compared to 54.8% of residents in that age range who have started their dosage.
Below is a breakdown by age group of Michigan residents who have gotten at least one dose of vaccine and those who are fully immunized.
Under the states prior reopening plan, the lifting of restrictions on businesses were tied to reaching vaccination milestones including one for reaching 60%. At that time, indoor capacity at sports stadiums would have increased to 25%; indoor capacity at conference centers, banquet halls and funeral homes would have increased to 25%; gym capacity would have moved to 50%; and bars and restaurants would no longer be required to close early.
However, the governor pivoted after receiving new guidance from the CDC in mid-May. Instead, Michigan chose to lift its COVID-19 restrictions in two steps -- one on June 1 and the other on July 1.
As of June 1, all outdoor capacity limits were removed, curfews on bars and restaurants were lifted, and all indoor settings were allowed 50% capacity. Beginning July 1, those capacity restrictions, as well as the mask mandate for individuals not fully vaccinated, will be lifted.
Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist II also expressed his appreciation for the continued effort to get residents vaccinated Friday, via a press release.
I ampleased to see thatsomany Michiganders arecontinuing to makethe choice to get vaccinated.Thank you to every person who has had a conversation with someone in their lifeto encourage them to get vaccinated, and theprofessionals and volunteers who have made vaccines available everywhere in our state, he said.
These safe, effectivevaccinesareour best shot to end this pandemic on our own terms. As more Michiganders make that choice, wecome closer and closer toconfidentlygrowingour economyacross the board, and setting our path toward a stronger Michigan.As we reach these vaccine milestones, were ableto hug our families, return to offices,enjoy a dinner out at our favorite restaurant, andsafelyspendtime withfriends.
Vaccine appointments, including walk-ins, are available throughout the state for individuals 12 years and older. For more information, visit thestates COVID-19 vaccine website.
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Michigan hits 60% milestone for residents partially vaccinated against COVID-19 - MLive.com