Assessing the Socioeconomic Impact of COVID-19 on Forcibly Displaced Populations: Thematic Brief No. 4: the case of Costa Rica, March 2022 – Costa…

Costa Rica has experienced a deep economic downturn as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, yet continues to welcome those in need of international protection from around the region. Since 2017, the number of refugees, asylum-seekers and other persons of concern mainly from Nicaragua, but also Venezuela and Cuba, among others has increased considerably putting strain on national systems.

Data from two rounds of a phone survey conducted by UNHCR and IPA between March and August 2021 comparable to a similar survey by the World Bank on nationals provides insight on how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the health, livelihoods and general vulnerability of these populations who are Persons of Concern (PoC) to UNHCR.

The survey finds that by August 2021 around one in five PoC households has experienced a COVID-19 diagnosis. In addition, 36% of respondents report having been vaccinated, and some 80% believe the vaccines are safe and effective.

The economic impact of the pandemic has been severe for PoC households, with nearly 3 in 4 respondents reporting lower family income in round 1 compared to pre-COVID times. Further, financial insecurity among PoC remains pronounced, with 70% of respondents saying they were forced to deplete assets or rely on others to meet daily needs and half reporting they have no bank or mobile savings accounts.

Food insecurity remains high despite having fallen across survey rounds with 61% of PoC respondents in round 2 reporting an adult skipping a meal in the last week compared to just 12% of nationals in the final round of the World Bank survey. The Nicaraguan population in particular faces high levels of food-related vulnerability as 4 in 10 Nicaraguan respondents report a child going hungry in the past 30 days.

Despite these prevalent needs, food- and cash-based support to PoC fell between March and August 2021. Similarly, requests for government support are less common in round 2, and about 40% of assistance requests are rejected.

The Venezuelan population are notably better off compared to Nicaraguan and Cuban households on nearly all measures, which likely reflects their pre-existing better socioeconomic profile and associated ability to integrate into Costa Rican society.

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Assessing the Socioeconomic Impact of COVID-19 on Forcibly Displaced Populations: Thematic Brief No. 4: the case of Costa Rica, March 2022 - Costa...

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