Active cases of coronavirus drop sharply in Dutchess County – The Daily Freeman

Here are the latest local COVID-19 statistics.

Dutchess County:54 reported Saturday, down 70 from the previous day.

Ulster County: 17 reported Friday, unchanged from the previous day. (Ulster does not provide case data on Saturdays.)

Ulster County: 0.4%.

Dutchess County: 0.31%.

Ulster County: 15,225 confirmed cases, 14,942 recoveries, 264 deaths. (No new deaths were reported Friday.)

Dutchess County: 29,500 confirmed cases, 446 deaths. (No new deaths were reported Saturday.)

Ulster County: 57.5% fully vaccinated, 62.8% with at least one dose of a two-dose regimen, 72.6% of 18+ population with at least one dose.

Dutchess County: 52.1% fully vaccinated, 57.5% with at least one dose of a two-dose regimen, 67.4% of 18+ population with at least one dose.,,

New York state on Saturday reported no new cases of COVID-19 in area school districts.

For online local coverage related to the coronavirus, go


Active cases of coronavirus drop sharply in Dutchess County - The Daily Freeman

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