Wolf administration updates COVID-19 vaccine initiative for teachers, child care workers – ABC27

HARRISBURG, Pa. (WHTM) The Department of Education and the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) provided an update Friday on the initiative to provide the Johnson & Johnson vaccine for Pre-K to 12 teachers, child care workers and other school staff.

As of today, 20 IU vaccination sites are operating across the state, with eight more scheduled to start tomorrow, said PEMA Director Randy Padfield. More than 6,500 doses have been administered at IU clinics so far.

The administration will be providing the vaccine to Pre-K to 12 public and non-public school staff across Pennsylvania.

According to the administration, child care workers will be contacted by Rite Aid, Topco or Walmart to schedule vaccinations using the additional, separate allocations of Johnson & Johnson vaccine they will receive from the federal government.

Intermediate Units will work with Pre-K to 12 school entities to identify staff who are interested in receiving the vaccine. The following list of individuals will be given the first opportunity to register:

For more information and answers to questions about the COIVD-19 vaccine for teachers, child care workers, and school staff, click here.

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Wolf administration updates COVID-19 vaccine initiative for teachers, child care workers - ABC27

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