Do you qualify for a COVID-19 vaccine in Iowa? Check our chart to find out – The Gazette

"When can I get the COVID vaccine?" Many Iowans are asking this question. And while there are seemingly moreunknowns than answers, here's what we know right now.

Look at the chart below to find your age group to seeif you or your loved ones qualify for the coronavirus vaccine in Iowa.

If you are wondering why people under 75 with medical conditions aren't qualified, that's because the state has not yet prioritized that group, unless a person meets other criteria, such as working or living in an at-risk setting(details in the chart below). The state is expected to provide more information soon, onceofficials "have reasonable confidence that supply meets the demands of this broader eligibility criteria."

Read more:Q&A: What we know about Iowa's COVID vaccine plan

This graphic was updated with information available as of Jan. 15, 2021.

Source: Iowa Department of Public Health and local health departments.

What questions do you have about the vaccine?

Do you have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine? Share your questions in the form at this link, and we'll work to find the answers.

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Do you qualify for a COVID-19 vaccine in Iowa? Check our chart to find out - The Gazette

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