COVID-19 Daily Update 12-27-2020 – West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources

The West VirginiaDepartment of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) reports as of December 27, 2020, there have been 1,452,115total confirmatorylaboratory results received for COVID-19, with 80,710 total cases and 1,254deaths.

DHHR has confirmed the death of a 90-yearold female from Kanawha County.

Thecontinued loss of West Virginia lives weighs heavily on all of us, with thegreatest sadness borne by family and friends, said Bill J. Crouch, DHHRCabinet Secretary. We extend our deepest sympathy.

CASESPER COUNTY: Barbour (693),Berkeley (5,901), Boone (1,005), Braxton (265), Brooke (1,305), Cabell (4,924),Calhoun (122), Clay (245), Doddridge (235), Fayette (1,657), Gilmer (372),Grant (732), Greenbrier (1,349), Hampshire (923), Hancock (1,740), Hardy (726),Harrison (2,746), Jackson (1,091), Jefferson (2,230), Kanawha (8,296), Lewis(467), Lincoln (713), Logan (1,554), Marion (1,664), Marshall (1,874), Mason(969), McDowell (925), Mercer (2,574), Mineral (2,057), Mingo (1,372),Monongalia (5,076), Monroe (604), Morgan (621), Nicholas (618), Ohio (2,389),Pendleton (274), Pleasants (531), Pocahontas (337), Preston (1,564), Putnam(2,869), Raleigh (2,532), Randolph (1,059), Ritchie (321), Roane (282), Summers(401), Taylor (651), Tucker (302), Tyler (331), Upshur (827), Wayne (1,615),Webster (131), Wetzel (654), Wirt (206), Wood (4,686), Wyoming (1,103).

Delays may be experienced with the reporting ofinformation from the local health department to DHHR. As case surveillancecontinues at the local health department level, it may reveal that those testedin a certain county may not be a resident of that county, or even the state asan individual in question may have crossed the state border to be tested. Such is the caseof Clay, Lewis, Randolph, and Tucker counties in this report.

The total number of vaccines received andadministered is shown on the Dashboard Overview page and is included on thedaily dashboard update. Please visit the dashboard located at for more information.

Free COVID-19 testing is available daily to all West Virginiaresidents. Please visit to view the testing site map and location list.

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COVID-19 Daily Update 12-27-2020 - West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources

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