Here’s who has tested positive for coronavirus or its antibodies in Congress – CNN

By Sarah Fortinsky, Christopher Hickey, Janie Boschma, Daniella Diaz and Heather Fulbright, CNN

Since the start of the pandemic, that brings the known count to 11 senators and 34 members of the House who have tested positive for coronavirus or for its antibodies. Included in that total are two members who were diagnosed in March as "presumed positive" before tests were widely available.

The total 45 members come from 25 states and Puerto Rico and include 32 Republicans nine in the Senate and 23 in the House and 13 Democrats two in the Senate and 11 in the House.

While some members of Congress likely were exposed to Covid-19 on Capitol Hill, many lawmakers have traveled between Washington, DC, and their home districts since the beginning of the pandemic. Many of these members of Congress were at home when they learned of their exposure after testing and could have contracted the virus in their home states.

CNN has been tracking the total cases, as well as new cases since November 1, and will continue to update our reporting if more members test positive.

See the article here:

Here's who has tested positive for coronavirus or its antibodies in Congress - CNN

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