How To Trust That A COVID-19 Vaccine Is Safe – FiveThirtyEight

The safety of the COVID vaccine is on a lot of peoples minds these days. As multiple pharmaceutical companies release promising reports about the effectiveness of their COVID vaccines, it feels like a cure for this pandemic may be in sight. But for many people injecting a brand-new scientific discovery into their body doesnt sit well. So, how can we be sure that the cure wont be worse than the disease? How do regulators decide what an acceptable side effect is? And what would happen if someone did have a serious reaction to the COVID vaccine after it was released? This weeks episode of PODCAST-19 is devoted to answering those questions.

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[Related: What To Make Of Pfizers Big Vaccine Announcement]

Read more from the original source:

How To Trust That A COVID-19 Vaccine Is Safe - FiveThirtyEight

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