Bill Gates On COVID-19: Best-Case Scenario Is Six To Ten Weeks Of Total Isolation In U.S. – Forbes

Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates maintained today that nationwide total, sustained isolation is ... [+] the best way to beat coronavirus with minimal lives lost and economic damage.

Topline: Bill Gates said that total isolation for six to ten weeks is the only viable option to minimize lives lost and economic damage for the United States to recover from the COVID-19 crisis.

Background: Microsoft founder Bill Gates is the second-richest person in the world, with a $97.4 billion net worth. He has donated 25% of his wealth to charitable causes through his philanthropic organization, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has given $50 million to COVID-19 therapies so far.


Bill Gates On COVID-19: Best-Case Scenario Is Six To Ten Weeks Of Total Isolation In U.S. - Forbes

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