‘The Young and the Restless’ star Greg Rikaart says he has coronavirus – CNN

In an Instagram post on Tuesday, Rikaart said his symptoms started a few weeks ago with a slight cough and gradually got worse. He was then misdiagnosed with pneumonia.

"I just tested positive for coronavirus," he wrote, adding, "I am a pretty healthy 43-year-old who doesn't smoke, doesn't drink much, eats well and exercises regularly and this has been the hardest experience of my life."

He said while everyone in his house had a slight cough, they got better and he grew sicker.

"Two+ weeks ago, everyone in my house had a bit of a cough and my son came home from school with a high fever. Everyone recovered, but I deteriorated. I isolated from my family and have been in solo quarantine since Saturday the 14th. I had a fever for 11 days, difficulty breathing and was diagnosed with pneumonia."

He said he is finally starting to feel better.

"I'm confident that I have finally turned the proverbial corner and am fever free today for the first time since this all started. I was told to stay isolated for another 72 hours before I acclimate back into my family. So, nice try coronavirus, but I have another 4-5 decades worth of experiences to have with these guys. Furthermore, I want to thank you all for the well wishes and I hope you heed the warnings. Stay safe, stay healthy and stay inside."

Rikaart has appeared on the soap opera since 2003.

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'The Young and the Restless' star Greg Rikaart says he has coronavirus - CNN

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