DKI Jakarta Re-Imposes Stricted PSBB After Record Of COVID-19 Infections Rise In Cases; Health Protocols In Workplaces – Lexology

Since June 2020, DKI Jakarta has implemented the transitional phases of the implementation of Large-Scale Social RestrictionsPembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar THE PSBB) by easing the restrictions put in place under the PSBB and allowing certain activities to resume in order to maintain the productive socio-economic activities.

However, the Governor of DKI Jakarta decides to discontinue the transitional phases of the PSBB and re-impose the stricter PSBB. This decision is taken in order to reduce the spread of the Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) as the infection cases in DKI Jakarta continue to surge. Under the Governor Decree No. 959 of 2020 dated September 11, 2020 on the Entry into Force of Large-Scale Social Restrictions in the Management of the Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) in the DKI Jakarta Province,the stricter PSBB measures are effective as of September 14, 2020 until September 27, 2020 and may be further extended if necessary.

Unlike the transitional PSBB, the Governor of DKI Jakarta sets out the restrictions of the PSBB in DKI Jakarta the Governor Regulation No. 88 of 2020 regarding Amendments of Regulation No. 33 of 2020 on Implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions in the Management of the Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) in the DKI Jakarta Province (the Regulation).

In addition, the implementation of the PSBB under the Regulation refers to Governor of DKI Jakarta Regulation No. 79 of 2020 dated August 19, 2020 on the Implementation of Discipline and law Enforcement of Health Protocols as Endeavor of Prevention and Control of Covid-19 (the Protocols).

We set out below the key provisions of the amendments on the implementation of the PSBB based on the Regulation.

All non-essential businesses are required to temporarily limit their activities at the workplaces. This limitation is conducted by implementing mechanism to work from home for the employees. If the work from home mechanism cannot be conducted, the businesses shall limit the number of people who are at workplaces at any time to be not more than 25% (twenty five percent) of the total number of the people at workplaces.

The Regulation stipulates certain essential businesses which are exempted from the PSBB, as follows:

The exempted businesses above are still subject to the Protocols (which are briefly discussed below).

In general, the non-essential businesses shall implement the following measures in conducting the activities at workplaces:

Both essential and non-essential businesses shall comply with the Protocols, including the following:

The rest is here:

DKI Jakarta Re-Imposes Stricted PSBB After Record Of COVID-19 Infections Rise In Cases; Health Protocols In Workplaces - Lexology

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